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My name is Kendi.

I am six years old.

I like the colour yellow.

I live in a small village in Africa; it is called Hertaych. We do not have clean water; at least a dozen people die between its walls every month and we don't have church.

We need help.

My father, Gudstapo, says the crops have not been good for a very long time and that is what's causing the drought. I think it's the other way around, but my father is not one to be questioned so I don't. The point is, it is dusty and dry and I cannot remember the last time I actually ate a full meal. We mostly eat prickly cactus' and dead roadkill we find on the highway that leads to Accra - my country's capital.

My teacher, Ms. Sullivan, says there are people coming to help us. I do not believe her. She has been saying that for many years now; too many to count; and it seems unlikely that anyone would come to Hertaych to help us. But it is true. I heard Gudstapo and my mudder, Keshna, talking about it when they think my siblings and I are asleep.

"A singin' group, Keshna," my father slurs in his sleepy state. "A band. They're coming to help us, to raise money. To give us water and 'quito nets."

My mudder moans and sighs. "What is the singin' groups name?"

"One Direction."


so this is finally happening. (yay!) i've had this idea floating around in my head for a long time now and i can't wait to get started. :) love you all, thanks for all the positive feedback. dedicated to Aisling/Cullen for being absolutely amazing and just being perfect. :)

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