Chapter 16

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Jimin's mom left..

You two went inside of your room..
You watched youtube and talked..
You turned of your tried to sleep...about 5 minutes later you talked..
Y/N: Oppa...I can't sleep.
Jimin put you hand over you and started to cuddle with you.
Jimin: Is this better?
Y/N: Yes...T..Thank you, Oppa.
You went to sleep..
*Jimin's POV*

I woke up...Y/N's so cute when she's looked at all of her features..He finally looked at your lips..They looked so soft..
*End of Jimin's POV*
About 10 minutes later you woke up.
Where the hell did Jimin go?!You thought..he wasn't there!
You went downstairs, lazily..
Y/N: *Yawn* Oh, there you are, Jiminie..Good morning..
Jimin: Were you worried?Heh..
Y/N: O-of course..
Jimin chuckled..
Jimin: I told you i'd never leave you, hehe.
Y/N: I know..
You hugged him
Mom: Awe...
Y/N: Mommm, great way to ruin the moment..
You stopped hugging Jimin..
Scince it was the decided to spend the 2 days with Jimin.

Jimin: Y/N~ I'm going to bring you somewhere special~ Make sure to pack everything you need..We'll be staying there for a week!
Y/N: What!?Where are we going?!
Jimin: It's a suprise~
Y/N: Uh..okay..

You went upstairs and into your room to pack..Where the hell will he be taking me?

After you packed and got ready you came back downstairs..
Jimin: Great..We'll be going there tomorrow morning.
Y/N: Okay..

Meanwhile, you watched a movie with Jimin..
Not just any movie..a SCARY got scared easily..
Jimin: Are you sure you can handle this movie...?It's scary..
Y/N: Y-yes!I-I'm sure...!!
Jimin: Okay....
Only 5 minutes in and you held on to Jimin
Y/N: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Jimin smiled at you
Jimin: Shh...It's going to be okay.
Y/N: I'm scared..
Jimin: I thought you said you could handle scary movies..
Y/N: Heh...
Jimin: You pabo..
Y/N: Hey!
Jimin chuckled..


Jimin: Y/N!Wake up!

You woke up
Y/N: But, Mom!I don't wanna go to school today!
You opened your eyes and rubbed them..
You blushed because Jimin was on you..You also just relized what you've said to Jimin..
Jimin: You pabo..heueheuhe..
Jimin got off of you..
Jimin: Let's go!I already put our luggage in the van!
Y/N: Okay, okay!Let me just get ready!
Jimin: Okay.
About 5 minutes later
Jimin: YAH!Y/N, hurry up!It's been forever, we're gonna miss our flight!
Y/N: Okok!Urgh!
You got ready, and went inside of the van..
All of BTS were there!
You all said hi, went to the airport, and flew to...

To be continued..

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