Chapter 3

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* Week is done, nothing really happened but FANGIRLSS trying to get Jimin's attention. What's so important about him?Yeah, I get it, he's fucking famous, so cool.* sarcastically *

Emma is actually pretty she invited you to her party. Of course you said didn't really like parties but it was a way to get up from your computer.
You got ready, did your hair, your makeup, and finally...your outfit.You tried to make it comfy, but presentable. You wore a crop top with a plaid jacket, shorts, and some converse.

You arrived at the party and the first person you saw was...


Emma never told me this...You walked in and she greeted you, you guys talked but you kept seeing Jimin stare at you..I went over to him.

Y/N: What..?Am I too beautiful?
Jimin: No!You're like um..the COMPLETE opposite.
Y/N: Uh..Okay..?

Most of the party was boring..until Emma begged you to test out her new karaoke you did. You put on Roll Deep and tried to dance to it a little. Everyone loved it..The only things you were good at were drawing and singing..When you were done everyone cheered and clapped for you..Except Jimin..He just stared at you in awe.

Y/N: Welp..This is new o-o * You mumbled *
*About an hour later *
Y/N: Emma..can I leave?It's getting pretty late..
Emma: Yeah,yeah of course.Good night,Y/N!
Y/N: Goodnight..
After you got home and changed into your comfy clothes someone texted you.
Y/N: Who could this be...?
You looked at a text and it was from an unknown text.
???: Hey.Is this Y/N?
Y/N: Uh..Yeah?Who are you?
???: I'm Jimin..
Those words made you drop your phone instantly..
Park Jimin?Why would  he text me?He's rich, famous, mean and rude.All I am is a sack of potatoes, you thought.
Y/N: How did you find my number..?
Jimin: Emma gave it to me.
Why the hell would she do that..Wouldn't she be mad since...she's a fangirl?Or maybe she's toooooooo
Y/N: Oh, okay..But, why are you texting me THIS late
Jimin: I just wanted to make sure it was you because Emma just told me your number.
Y/N: Ohhhh alright..Well I'm going to sleep, night?
Jimin: Night
Did we just say goodnight to eachother?!You thought as you turned off your phone and put it away.You had a hard time kept thinking about what would happen at school..and because you were thinking of Jimin...Wait..What?Me?THINKING about WHO!?Nononono I can't be!Jimin is like the very LAST thing to think about.AND why was he acting..kind of...nice to me?This HAS to be a dream..Well..I'll try to sleep..

My First Love ( Jimin x Reader FF )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora