Chapter 10

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Jimin went inside of the pool and got you out..
Jimin did CPR c;
Jimin: Y/N?Y/N!?
You didn't respond..
He called the ambulance..

Moments later

Y/N: *Yawn* Where am I?
All of BTS: Y/N!Hey!
You sat up, confused..You start to remember what happened.
Y/N: Was this because of..
Jimin: Yes..
Y/N: Oh...
Doctor: Okay, Y/N, I see you're awake. You may leave now.Nothing really bad happened to you..
Y/N: Thank you so much.
You all left.Jimin drove you home
All of BTS: Goodnight Y/N!
Y/N: Night!
You went inside of the house..your mom was asleep.
You went inside of your room and slept.

Next day

You did your morning routine..You kept thinking about Lena..You started to get frustrated.."I want to know Jimin's past so badly..Maybe I should just talk to him about it.."
You were thinking back and fourth " Should I text Jimin, or should I wait.."
You decided to text Jimin..
Y/N: Hey, Jiminie.
Jimin: Hey.
Y/N: Is it okay if we facetime?
Jimin: Of course..
You guys facetimed..
Y/N: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jimin: Yeah..
Y/N: What is your..past?
Jimin: Oh..uh...
Y/N: It's completely fine if you don't want to say it..
Jimin: No, It's okay. Lena used to be my...girlfriend.I broke up with her because she'd always get drunk and abusive..I guess she obviously still loves me.
Y/N: Oh..I'm sorry about that :<
Jimin: It's fine..
You were staring into eachothers eyes..
Jimin: What..Am I too beautiful?
Jimin said, making you remember about the party at Emma's house..
Y/N: No!You're like um..the COMPLETE opposite, haha.
You both laughed.

About an hour later, the call ended.
Jimin: Goodnight Y/N!
Y/N: Night, Jiminie!~

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