Together Atlast: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna need you to come with me"

He ushers me forward with a hand on my back.


"Just go and answer their questions baby. We have NOTHING to hide"

He says, putting emphasis on 'nothing' while glaring at the man. Ignoring Kyles serious expression, he ushers me down the slightly crowded hall and into a room. There was a man in a red dress shirt and orange tie. With off white dress pants for a bottom. Do all interrogation officers dress this bad?

It was seriously like one of those detective shows. But it's scarier when you're actually gonna be the one they're interrogating. The man who walked us to the room told me to sit down. The door clicked shut as I slowly took my seat after getting my finger prints taken.

"So, Ms.Johnson. I'd like to ask you a few questions if that would be alright"

"Are the questions about how to dress better Mister?"

I instantly clamp my mouth shut at the outburst that just happened. He looks at me in disbelief, loosing his professional look for a second. But it quickly returns as he clears his throat.

"Another outburst like that, I could get you years in prison"

"Stop bluffing dude"

Shit Kenzie. Stop talking! I quickly bite my bottom lip after apologizing so it wasn't possible for me to talk. He clears his throat loudly once again before continuing.

"So, what was your relationship with Natalie Court?"


I say simply to the bald man walking from side to side. He quickly turns his head to me, his gaze intense.

"So is it not true that you and someone else got a restraining order against her?"

"Well, I mean yeah. She was freaking psycho!"

He continues to walk from left to right. Looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. The crease in them could be compared to a crease on a shoe. That's how deep they were. The dimly lit room wasn't making it easy on me either.

Like have you ever had that feeling how the way something looks makes you nervous? That's how I was feeling since my palms were clearly sweating. He starts talking again with a hit of his hand slaming against the desk making me jump.

"So why'd you just say you didn't have a relationship with Court at all?"

"Because I didn't. When we got a restraining order I didn't have any contact with her after that. Not that I ever have anyway"

Well not willingly at least.

"So why can I place this,"

He pauses, holding up my gold ankle bracelet.

"At the scene of the crime"

He finishes. I rack my brain for an answer and find one that I'm not very fond of. That had fell off when I was kidnapped my Natalie. I remember putting it on and asking Jake if it was cute. But when I had got back home, it wasn't there anymore. How can they even tell that it's mine?

Was it possible she got murdered at the abandoned house I was held in? If she did then that means I'm about to get in trouble for something I didn't do!

"Wait no no no. I wasn't there, this is all a misunderstanding"

"Then where were you between six thirty p.m through eight p.m three days ago"

I try and think back as to where I was three days ago. After while, it finally comes to memory.

"I-I was at the-at the grocery store! Yeah at the grocery store. I remember because I forgot to bring my credit card and the lady behind me brought my stuff for me"

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