Chapter 18

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Celaena POV

I let out a groan as I woke up from my sleep trying not to get irritated at the constant tapping of someone knocking on my door. It was the day after stopping the earth from being invaded or well a day since I finally got myself back and I was tired. I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before I begrudgingly got out of bed and opened the door to find Thor mid knock. I shut my eyes and sighed stepping out of the way letting him in.

"Sorry for waking you," he mumbled.

I shrugged and sat down onto my bed tapping the place next to me. He sat and we stared at the wall in front of us in silence.

Clearing my throat I turned to him, "What is it you wanted?"

Thor tensed slightly but looked at me his hands clasped in front of him his elbows resting on his knees, "I was wondering what your plans were now after all of this?"

My eyebrows rose slightly, I hadn't thought of that.

"I don't know."

He tilted his head and took a breath as if preparing himself, "Well now that you remember maybe you'd like to return to Asgard with me," I shifted slightly not knowing how to respond, with my memories back, I remembered all our moments together and my feelings for him were still there but there was something else. 

"Not—" he continued carefully, "I mean my parents would want to know and see you alive especially my mother. And well-"

"Thor," I cut him off, gods is this like the awkward exes talk times a million or something, "I know that my memories have returned but I don't think I can jump back into that yet I have things I need to take care of here and..." I hesitated "You have Jane."

He stood, me following suite and faced me grabbing me by the arms forcing me to look at him, "I know," he breathed "It's just, my feelings for you are still the same. The anniversary of your death was a few days ago and it felt the same as it did three years ago. And this may be selfish of me but you are alive and I don't want to ignore the feelings we share," he pulled out a letter, the letter, " I've kept this for all this time and I don't want to loose you again."

I stood there stunned into silence and bit my lip "Thor... I... I can't I won't be that woman who gets in between a relationship I refuse to be. My feelings for you are still present yes but I can't, won't act on them. It's different this time I need time to myself and you need to focus on the woman you have. We can start again we can be friends and don't you dare change your relationship with her for me or I swear to Valhalla I will stab you. As for Asgard, I don't think I can join you this time as much as I'd like to see Loki being punished, I have obligations that need my attention here." I shrugged out of his hold but remained there looking at his light blue eyes.

He looked dejected but it quickly disappeared and turned into a look of understanding, "Alright but if you ever change your mind just call Heimdal he would happily let you back. I'll make sure to inform him that you are truly alive."

I grinned and nodded, I quickly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He copied me wrapping his arms around my waist held me close reminding me of our past embraces. I pulled away and stared into his eyes and quickly kissed his cheek, he looked shock but recovered, replacing it with a smile.

We stayed together for a while talking about what I had missed what his plans in Asgard were until he took his leave to prepare for their return to Asgard.

I also prepared to see them off along with the others my plan being to go back with Tony and Bruce to Stark towers. I wasn't lying to Thor I wanted to figure my life out, I wasn't who I was six years ago nor am I who I was these past three years. I wanted to find my place in this universe and go from there. I would probably carry on working for SHIELD and maybe one day return to Asgard.

It was time to build myself a life that I wanted.

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