Chapter 16

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Celaena POV
I was trying desperately to break free of the hold that the monster had on me and my body. When it happened everything went black and I felt as if the air was taken out of me and when my sight came back it was weird. I didn't know what it was but I knew something was wrong and I was in deep shock when I pressed the button releasing Thor into thin air.

It didn't take a genius, especially after kissing Loki, that I wasn't myself. Well, I wasn't in the first place but this was different.

I felt sick, as my body without my consent killed a child. An innocent child. It might not have been me but it might as well have been. After saving the child I lost the control that I had and I killed it. And now I'm watching as I'm about to kill Steve. I couldn't allow myself to do so. If I did I wouldn't know how I would live with myself if I ever managed to get out of the state that I was in.

I watched as Thor came and tried to stop me and I felt safer and when my world went black I realised that he had knocked me out his final words were my first lesson "Never let your guard down."

I stared at my surroundings unsure at what was to happen when I felt a presence behind me causing me to spin around and come face to face with me.

I gasped lightly and watched as she smirked.

"Look what we have here," she chuckled "The weak one."

"I'm weak?" I scoffed "Sweetheart without me you wouldn't exist. You wouldn't know anything. Don't forget you are me."

She twisted her neck and a sword appeared her hand. She smiled slowly her eyes glowing with a challenge. I summoned my own sword and stared her down. I wasn't sure as to what were to happen if I was to die in here since technically it was my conscience.

"What do you think dearie? Shall we?" She questioned.

Without answering I charged swinging my sword knowing that she would block it immediately. Our swords clashed as we both pushed against each other I quickly switched to a dagger and aimed for her head but she ducked and spun around punching me in the jaw, reacting quickly I grabbed her arm and twisted it around causing her back to slam against me. She bent and sent me flying over her and I crashed onto the floor with a grunt.

"Face it, you have no chance at beating me. We're both alike. But unlike you, I have no mercy."

I didn't reply and charged at her quickly summoning a staff and slamming the end into the ground causing me to flip over and land neatly on my feet and sweeping it under her making her fall to the ground. Acting fast I climbed on to of her holding the staff down on her throat choking her.

"You may think that, but I am the original and the one and only. You are my darker half and Loki did nothing but bring you to the surface. In the end, you are nothing but what I was, what I would have been had I not found Thor or these Midgardians." I growled as I continued to push the staff against her throat. She let out a strangled laugh, before using her legs to propel me over her. Flipping, I landed swiftly on my feet and stood, gripping the staff in my hand. I couldn't let this clone beat, but we were too much alike. We both knew the same moves, both knew our weaknesses. I kept wracking my head trying to figure out what to do, what would I least expect. It then clicked. I knew what I wouldn't do, what I have never really done in any of my fights.

Other me charged her sword raised and swung at my head missing me by a few centimetres as I ducked. I swung my staff around hitting her in her stomach, then her face causing it to snap to the side, causing her to fall to the floor. She had an angry glare on her face as she spat to the side and stood. Spreading my legs apart I prepared myelf as she ran forward a dagger in hand. She knocked me to the ground, her hand grabbing my hair and using it to smash my head to the floor. I tried to stop her and flip her over my head like before but her grip was strong. Darkness was beginning to consume my vision when she stopped and pulled my face closer to hers. A dagger appeared and she pressed it against my neck.

"This is the difference between us," she said with a smirk, I let out a grunt and then there was darkness.

Okay, I'm sorry and yes I'm a douche but tell uni not to kill me maybe updates would be better. So yeah that happened. Hugs and Kisses

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