Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

Her face grew blank and her body slacked as the dagger disappeared from her hand, Loki removed his grip from the painful hold he had on her and placed it on her cheek pulling her closer to him as their lips moving against each others. Celaena shifted forward grabbing onto the God of mischiefs shoulders, as if to push him away, but instead they curled around them, her hands running through his hair. They pulled away and Loki gestured towards the door and she nodded scanning her pfingerprint on the hidden compartment the door sliding open. Both she and Loki stepped out with him waving his hand creating  a vision of them still kissing. They both hid in the shadows watching in anticipation as the show unfolded before them.

Behind them, the metallic door slid open breaking the eerie silence.

"NO!" Thor ran in his face paled as he saw his past love in the arms of his sadistic brother.

They pulled away from each other both with similar smirks on their faces as Loki and her moved forward as the glass door slid open. Thor ran forward to stop the couple only for him to fall to the ground, whilst they laughed and the real Celaena slammed the door shut.

Thor threw his hammer against the glass creating a crack allowing one of the claws holding glass canister to release rocking the cage.

In front of him stood Celaena her expression cold giving him a smile that held nothing but malice.

"Oh, brother will you ever not fall for that?" Loki chuckled.

"What have you done to her?" Thor demanded.

"I fixed her," Loki mused standing next to his prize wrapping an arm around her waist.

"No! How could you?!"

"Oh come on Thor, we both know this is how it's always been. Me against you," Celaena spoke her voice mocking sending a chill of fear down Thor's back, this wasn't her, this wasn't the girl he fell in love with.

Behind them a guard walked in one that belonged to Loki, holding the gun guarding the doorway. Celaena chuckled and ran a hand across the control panels humming softly "You know they think us immortal," Loki said with a cunning smirk.

"Shall we test that?" Celaena questioned tilting her head towards to where Thor stood his body shaking.

But before either her or Loki could react the guard fell to the ground unconscious, with an angry looking Coulson holding a Phase 2 weapon in his hands pointing it at Loki unaware of Celaena being compromised.

"Celaena, move him away please," Coulson order pointing the gun towards Loki who put his hands in the air moving away from the machine, "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent THE DESTROYER. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" he smiled, nodding his head to the female urging her to grab Loki.

With a smirk, she went to grab Loki's arms but they went through, whilst a knife went through Coulson causing him to fall to the ground him coughing out blood, "NO!" Thor cried out his fists slamming onto the glass prison that now held him.

The agent slid down the wall a trail of blood left behind whilst his eyes remained on the woman he calls a daughter. He saw it in her eyes she was not herself. Those cool blue eyes, that held passion whether she was aware of it or not, were now cold and dead the black ring becoming more and more prominent.

Loki then nodded to Celaena signalling her that they needed to get out. She quickly turned towards the controls her hand hovering over the release.

"Celaena, don't. This isn't you. Can you not see it? It is all Loki's manipulation, please do not. I need you, they need you, Steve needs you!" Thor shouted trying to retrieve the woman that she once was. He let out a sigh when he saw her hesitate over the controls as if at war with herself. But before he could react she slammed her hand down on the button no emotion over her face. There was a scream that resonated in the room as the glass case fell through the air. She stepped closer to the edge no feeling of emotion going through her as if she was back to how she was when she first became an assassin. Celaena could feel a nagging voice in the back of her catatonic mind as if trying to remind her of something but she could not and she simply did not care enough to try and find out. All that mattered was that she and Loki ruled the Earth.

"Well done my dear," Loki purred walking over to where she stood, stroking her face as if he truly did care for her.

"You're going to lose," Coulson rasped.

"Are we?" Loki said.

"It's in your nature," Coulson replied.

"You heroes are scattered, your falling fortress falls from the sky, one of your best agents is now under my control... where is my disadvantage?" Loki mused his cold features forming into the smirk that always graced his face.

"You lack conviction."

"I don't think-" Loki began only to be cut off by a ball of light shot from the weapon that lay in the dying agents hand.

Celaena laughed and made her way towards the hole that Loki flew through but stopped and faced Coulson her face a devoid of emotion.

"You're right you know," she stated.

Coulson raised an eyebrow in question and she continued "It is in his nature to lose..." hope flickered in his eyes but quickly faded and what she said next, "but not mine."

With that she left the man she considered close to father figure on the ground in a pool of red staring after her figure hoping that she would come through and help her comrades when it came to it.

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