Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

Celaena stood outside the elevator with a bloodied dagger in her hand. Behind her lay a man, blood smearing the wall and blood spilling out of his mouth and a wound on his chest. No breath came out of his mouth as his head hung low as if he was bowing in submission. He got is her way to put it simply. Tried to stop her of all things, yelling at her saying stuff about how she wasn't authorised in the building, like that would prevent her from doing whatever she wanted. Celaena stepped out and looked at the room which contained no one but the god of mischief standing at the window hands behind his back. The glass ran a long an entire wall revealing an amazing view of the city. The buildings climbing taller and taller as if trying to show who was the better part.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Celaena said nothing as she stepped towards him the dagger disappearing.

"Well, not as beautiful as you that is," he smirked turning around wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer.

"Yes, well you know what would be even better?" She muttered her arms circling around his shoulders, running her hand through his hair. He hummed in response "Ruling it side by side."

He grinned closing the distance between them and caught her lips in his own. Loki's arms that were wrapped around her waist pulled her closer to his body as if that was even possible. She let out a content sigh and let her hands roam down his lean yet muscular arms. He spun them around and pushed Celaena against the glass trapping her between that and his own body.

This was what he had wanted. A powerful woman to rule by his side and when she had stepped right into  Thor's life, Loki knew that he had to have her for himself. She was beautiful, smart, cold and misunderstood, much like himself. With her by his side, he knew he would win and finally have his own rightful kingdom to rule over.

Celaena pulled away from him and ran a hand down his arms, her blue and black ringed eyes were as cold as they always were looked up at him slyly, "So what's the plan your majesty."

"The portal is almost open and once it is this planet will be ours." He grinned and pulled a way walking towards the window looking satisfied.

Celaena then turned around heading to the bar smirking to herself. It was much too easy to fool the god into thinking she was under his rule. Yes he took away what good she had in her and she couldn't care less about the others but he didn't exactly take away her own agendas.

He was her ticket to return to her high status. Celaena would let him kill all the beloved heroes and rule over this planet and then when he least expects it she would kill him and take over. They will fall beneath her and soon she would become allies with the higher force that Loki talks oh so highly about. Then finally she will get to Asgard and have her revenge on the man who has caused her a lot of bother.

She poured a glass of scotch and twirled it around watching the golden liquid with a smile and quickly downed the drink before walking to the sofa and placing herself down an arm slung over the back and her legs stretched out in front of her preparing for the show to finally begin.

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