Eleven: Together

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Kuroo was running down the stairs, heading towards the gymnasium.

You're an idiot! If you'd only realised earlier!

He lifted the volleyball and spiked it with incredible strength, then next one and another. He tried to calm down by the sport he loved but it didn't help.

For he loved [Name] even more.

He recalled their first talk.

The shy girl hiding behind his friend seemed so fragile and innocent he felt as if he had to encourage her.

She was cute.

That was the moment he decided to become friends with her.

Slowly, step by step they were getting closer. He invited her with Kenma to his house, they were going out to the city and spending time after school.

When she said she's going to the same high school as him, he was so happy he wanted to jump, but he refrained himself for he'd look strange if he did that.

He also reminisced about the day she fell asleep at his house.

The view of her sleeping face was so endearing he didn't manage to wake her up. He just lifted her, surprised by how light she was, and took her to his room. He was watching her for a while before going to sleep downstairs. Lying on the sofa he still felt the petite girl breathing peacefully in his arms and making him blush.

And when they lost in spring high preliminaries, she hugged him. It comforted him more than any words. Her embrace sent him shivers down the spine, he was too shocked to return it. Her warmth, her shampoo's scent, her face touching his chest, all of that mixed in his mind made him almost forget about the defeat.

Fortunately, she turned around after pulling back, so she couldn't see his blush.

Was that the moment he fell in love with her?

No, it had to be earlier.

From the first days of their friendship he realised she was special.

But he treated these cramps she was constantly giving him, and which she gave him on the festival saying that she likes him, as a sign that he likes her. As a friend.

That's why he rejected her.

It was true that he didn't feel anything new when [Name] confessed to him.

Because he liked her from way back.

And now it was too late to fix everything.

She said she would reject him if he confessed to her.

He spiked yet another ball, angry at his helplessness.

Only now he realised how painful unrequited love was.

How many times did [Name] cry?

Ten? Fifteen?

He wanted to turn back time so much.

But he couldn't.

He sat down and leaned on the wall, lowering his head to the knees.

Calm down, think logically. What can you do?

He could try to get [Name]'s love back.

But it would be so selfish to create burden in the girl's head once again.

Then the only thing that was left was to give up on her the same way she did.

"Kuroo?", the voice came from the gymnasium's door.

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now