Ten: Belief

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[Name] was sitting in her school desk, looking out of the window. The sun was shining brightly on the clear sky. A light wind dabbed the green leaves of the trees. The windows were open and the heat of the outside was noticeable in the classroom.

It was Monday morning, and the end of the lesson would mean the start of the lunch break. Since the girl wasn't hungry, she decided to go on the roof and admire the weather in peace.

Though normally she would go for Miya and eat together in her classroom, she wanted to be alone after what she said to Kuroo yesterday.

So as the bell rang, she quickly got out and headed towards the stairs.

She opened the door and felt a nice puff of the wind on her face. She sat down and dived into her thoughts, recalling the day she talked to Kuroo for the first time.

When her first year in junior high school started she was sick. She didn't know anyone there, so when she finally came to the school, everybody had already made some friends, resulting in her being left alone. She was never good at creating friendships; she was too shy for that. So when she realised that in her class there was someone looking as if he was lacking some self-confidence, always sitting alone with his console, she thought of it as a chance. One day, when the lessons ended, she walked up to the boy, who was packing his bag.

"Um... Hi, Kenma-kun", she started with a shy smile.

He looked up at her, surprised that somebody spoke to him.

"Hello, [Name]-san", he answered, avoiding the girl's look.

"Are you going to some club activities?", she glanced at the second bag placed beside the boy's desk. "Are you perhaps in some sports club?", she inquired to make the conversation.

He also looked at the bag and said:

"Yeah, in a volleyball club", he stood up and bended to lift his belongings.

"Oh, that's nice, I guess. I still haven't signed up for any club", the girl said, while Kenma stepped towards the exit.

He stopped at the door and turned around to face her.

"From what I know, volleyball club needs a manager, since the current one is a third year. Just in case you'd like to try it out", he said and went out of the classroom, leaving [Name] alone and a little bit confused.

He has to be really shy as well, she thought and smiled.

The next day, after the lessons, she walked up to Kenma once again.

"I'm going to try out being volleyball club's manager!", she declared with a smile.

The boy looked at her surprised, for he didn't think the girl would actually do that.

"Okay, so you can come with me and I'll show you to everybody", he replied.

They were walking towards the gymnasium and the more they were drawing near their destination, the more [Name] was getting anxious.

There will be so many boys, and you don't know anything about volleyball, why did you do that?, she was cursing innerly but it was to late to move back.

As the door opened, she saw a big bunch of boys gathered up in one place, talking.

Hearing the door scratching, the team turned their heads to them and seeing [Name] standing behind Kenma, they approached the two with questioning looks.

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now