• Amazing Cherry Berry Blast •

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"All I'm saying is that bubbles are good for the soul, Mari. Poke fun all you want, but I've never been this relaxed in all of my life. And they nearly heal my headaches, all with the tantalizing smell of the amazing Cherry Berry Blast!"

Adrien was being a big baby, soaking in a fluffy bubble bath with Mari sitting on a stool next to the singularly occupied tub. The boy could have evidently been the spokesperson for the bubble bath formula with the way he spoke of the fruity stuff.

He nearly refused showers apparently, claiming that the head was too harsh and broke his skin the last time he gave it a second chance. The boy was as prissy as a famous model or something just as flamboyant. Lord knows Adrien had enough charisma, good looks and was the most photogenic boy she had ever come across and could definitely pull off differing camera angles. He was the handsomest of his gender. All minus David Henrie, that is.

They had recently returned to his house after their date. The two had plans for her to spend the night at his place, completely innocently. Both were physically wiped from merrily dancing on the basketball court earlier. It originally began with slow dancing, until a hippity pop song played after a handful of slow ones. Adrien, being the little dork that he is, began doing a ridiculous disco, Marinette followed suit with an energized jive of sorts. The evening date ended with sweat dripping on their foreheads and a need for a swipe of deodorant, as their last application had been depleted.

Mari had been waiting her turn to use the bathroom amenities, just wanting to wait it out and fix a midnight snack to curb her hunger in the meantime. With the very same childlike wonder she had last witnessed when he was drunken with a cloud of tequila, Adrien convinced her to sit inside with him. Marinette loved how he could pull up this endearing side of himself, sans dangerous amounts of alcohol. He claimed that he didn't want to be alone. She knew he just wanted her company.

He stared at her from the corner of his eyes, soft smile playing on his graceful lips, fingers playing with sudsy bubbles. "What now, Mister?" she poked his rib, sticking her finger through a mountain of soap to reach his side. "You're a pretty little youngin', Miss. Marinette," he chortled, popping bubbles in between his hands. Rolling her eyes, the dark haired girl took a swig of her chilled water bottle, offering the blondie a sip of the refreshing liquid. "You and your outrageous compliments are something I'll never get used to."

"Well, you better since I have a plethora more I need to tell you before I kick the can for good."

Gasping at such morbidity, Marinette moved her hand to the top of his head, submerging the boy into the bubbling bathtub. Adrien caught onto her antics immediately, gasping for a large breath before being dunked underneath. He didn't try to fight her much; Mari removed her weight after two seconds, allowing him to come up for air. She sure as heck didn't want to drown him, just wanted to teach the green eyed male a lesson.

His appearance, once above the bubbles, was giggle worthy. Adrien was covered in foamy soap, some landing inside of his mouth, stinging his tongue sour. He was the actual definition of a bubble monster. Mari laughed so much, she doubled over, to the point of falling off her small stool, grasping the lip of the tub. She pointed at his ridiculousness. "You look goofy!"

"Huh? Oh! Because of the bubbles? Well, you better brace yourself, young lady. This bubble monster loves to attack gorgeous prey such as yourself!" He gave off a warrior cry, standing up and lunging at her, water flinging and all. His entire body was concealed in the fruity scented foam.

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