• Long Time No See •

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The unimpressed gaze on Marinette's face was enough for others around her to leave her by her lonesome. Arms tightly crossed, half dead eyes and dark lip stick were not too inviting by anyone's terms. The midnight haired girl was dressed in a tight, long sleeved black top and figure clinging deep jeans. Her feet were adorned with clunky black Doc Martins. She was the human embodiment of an actual shadow.

It was hysterical to Alya how Marinette had allowed herself to make a grudging appearance at her birthday party. What surprised her more was how Mari stuck around, even though the celebration turned into a complete drunken rager. Sure, she clung to the hidden corners, but she was there at least. And that was all that mattered.

"Thanks for coming!" Alya said as she playfully twirled about in her floaty birthday dress. "Yeah, yeah. You'll owe me in cheeseburgers," Mari huffed, pushing off the wall she was previously leaning on.

Marinette was a puzzling soul to the red head. She never really held much conversation with other people besides Alya. Okay, so they grew up as neighbors and have been hanging out since their diaper days. That did not mean she understood her or the mysterious mind she held underneath.

The darkly dressed girl observed the scene unfolding around her as she walked with a lazy pace. Half of these kids would regret every action that ensued from their drunkenness. The other half would find themselves in the midst of a nasty hook up. Disgusting.

Marinette's eye latched onto an emerald green set that appeared to be already staring at her. She looked at the male with blonde hair oddly. Why in the hell was he creeping on her every movement? Snarling in his direction, Mari grimaced at the attention the guy bestowed upon her from across the room, passing through the swarm of a dance floor. Brushing it off, she continued her slow trek.

Marinette was determined to find a nonalcoholic beverage. She respected fermented drinks and the way they could taint people's judgement, yet never wished to fall under its spell willingly. Clomping into the kitchen, Mari spotted an unopened can of Dr. Pepper and reached to plunk it from the chilly ice chest.

Before her black polished nails could entertain the idea of popping the top open, an arm slunk over her shoulder, grasping her hand. "Looks like we have the same tastes, Babe."

She could smell a strong stench of liquor escaping from the stranger who hugged her currently. The husky voice annoyed her to the core, despite the goosebumps that surfaced the skin of her neck, due to their gross proximity. Marinette came to the assumption that this idiot was just lost and looking for an easy hookup. And by golly, was she going to play along with his antics. Turning around, she faced a tall brunette. "What are you going to do about it?" she quizzed, curious as to this buffoon's answer. Marinette fluttered her eyelashes in a flirty manner, amplifying her false implications.

"I was gonna share with you, Hot Stuff," the stranger retorted. Clicking the soda open, she lifted the can of fizzy liquid to his lips, allowing him a large gulp. They never lost eye contact with the other. Without a second thought, Marinette brought the drink to her own mouth, engaging in an indirect kiss. "What now, Baby Cakes?" he asked, leaning in too close by her standards.

"If you expect me to grab you by the neck, pull you down to my height and make out with you, you'd be gravely mistaken," Marinette growled, lowering her voice considerably. She slit her eyes to add to her intimidating glare.

"And why not?"

"Because I'd rather french kiss an inexperienced freshman than you, you nasty pervert."

"Oh really? Prove it, Missy."

To add emphasis to her point, Marinette dropped the soda to the floor, allowing it to slosh everywhere on the floor, not thinking about the aftermath. Stomping over to a scrawny first year, Marinette yanked the random boy down and attached her lips to his. The kid was hesitant and first, but melted at her initial movements. As soon as she stuck her tongue into his mouth to explore, she unlidded her eyes to connect to the soda pop stranger. Eventually, Marinette acted like she was enjoying the best kiss of her life and moaned incredibly loud, while fake shuddering and engaging in pretend knee weakening. At this point, a sizable crowd, mainly of males, surrounded the scene, desperate and hungry for drama.

With a popping of their lips, she released the most clumsy kiss she had ever experienced, and clacked her boots out of the room. Marinette made a beeline towards Alya, who was evidently sipping on her first glass of wine while gawking at Marinette's horrifying actions.

Harshly grabbing her best friend's shoulders, Alya dragged her to her bedroom, locking them away from the alcoholic heartbeat of a party.

"That's it. I'm done! You literally just made out with the ugliest, most inexperienced kisser in the Milky Way, just to prove a jerk wrong, and you don't even care about it?" Alya began hyperventilating, the pressure pushing on her chest to the point of near rupture.

"Als, calm down. Focus on my eyes. Good. Now, slow your breathing down a little," Mari was soothing her friend down to the point of forming words once again. It took much longer than completely necessary by her terms.

"Okay. Girl, you need to get back out there and find a new guy that you genuinely like. Locking lips with bad kissers aren't adviced and should be avoided," Alya's lips curled up into a small smirk. She could believe Marinette would get herself involved in something so dumb like that. Especially when Alya wasn't there to supervise her various encounters.

Sighing, Mari responded saying, "You're right. I need real romance. No more flings! But, how do I accomplish such a goal? I know! My very own Prince Charming! Can he have his very own noble steed? What about a sparkling castle with a moat? Can it have an alligator too?"

"It's amazing how such wit hasn't landed you a decent guy yet," Alya remarked, setting one hand on her hip, the other sipping from her wine glass. Marinette rolled her eyes vigorously.

"But hey, don't listen to me. I just happen to be crushing on the same guy for the past few years and haven't gotten any action thus far!" Alya hollowly giggled, allowing the alcohol to enter her fragile system. She started dancing a shy jig to the beat of faraway music, as the girl had always been such a lightweight when it came to holding down her drinks.

"Go get 'em tiger," Mari encouraged sarcastically while fake smiling and nodding, pushing the door open, creating an exit. Alya took her up on her offer and shimmied out of the bedroom and into the swell of people.

"Geez Louise," Marinette whispered to herself, deciding what to do next. Her attention snapped to the bay window, upon hearing a tree's nimble limb scrape against the glass. A slim grin grew on her face as she plotted her escape.

Pushing the sliding window ajar, Mari slunk out, planting her feet firm onto a sturdy branch. Silently, she was able to climb about halfway down the tree before some idiot called Marinette out publicly. Screw that guy.

The ever drawing crowd added to her piling nerves, causing her to slip slightly before regaining balance. "I'm okay, ladies and seudo-gents," she announced, "untwist yer panties, okay?"

Speaking too soon, Marinette heard a loud crack before plunging downwards, about ten feet from the ground. She landed in a heap, noticing the squishy surface she landed upon.

"What the-" she started, pausing when she glanced up, seeing him. Hands were strategically placed on her round hips, slightly rubbing them up and down gingerly. Her glare hardened. It was the creep who had been watching her ever since elementary school.

"Adrien Agreste! Get your filthy paws off me!"

The said guy laughed, tugging her down closer to his frame by resting his hands in the middle of her back. "Long time no see, Sweetheart. What's it been? Since fourth grade that you've done so much as look my way. If only you could see yourself now," Adrien whispered gently against her ear, angering Mari to her absolute boiling point.



And from that moment, Marinette knew she was jacked over.

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