Heartbroken or Misunderstanding?:

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After my birthday ended, everything went back to normal, on the day of my birthday, after Akimtsu gave me that present, everything turned fun, hilarious, and embarrassing.

"So big brother, that's Okami's special present?"
"Sasu, shut up"
"No big brother, I'm just a child, and only goodness knows that a child's curiosity is something important to pay mind to"
"Well not this time!"
"Wait, special present?"
"Yeah! Big brother made it especially for yo--"
"He actually made it for me?"
"Yeah! That brought part was a lie, he actually made it by hand, I'm guessing to make it more spe---"

Yeah, Akimtsu went through one of the stages of having a annoying little sibling, and faced terrible embarrassment dealing with it. Lucky me, I don't have a annoying little sibling, but i do wish sometimes to be an older sister, I guess Sasu's like the younger sister I've always wanted. After a few months go by, Akimitsu starts another one of his adventures. This one was in Gym, and were we all just exercising one way or another. I went to lift really heavy weights, which wasn't hard for me at all, but surprised my entire class, along with the teachers. Then the females just stuck to workouts and did stuff like push ups, moutain climbers and other workouts several times. The boys decided to be daring with some lifting heavy weights like me and others like Akimitsu, climbing a really long and high rope to the ceiling, where they fool around and swing on it and do weird poses to make fun of exercise poses. Before Akihiko and Akimitsu were up, they looked back at me as Akihiko blushed and went into lovey dovey mode. "Wow, she's so strong for someone as sexy as her" "SEXY!?" Akimitsu shouted angrily loud at his friend, "ARE YOU SERIOUS!? First you wanna know what she likes, then you hug her close to you, And NOW THIS!?" Then the whole room's attention was on him, including mine as I stared at him surprised. My cheeks went red again as I dropped my weights and stared at him embarrassed. "Now what? And why are you bothered by it?" I asked a little too serious. Then he just looked away from me and said, "It's nothing, just continue" "What about everybody else---?" "Just go back to what you were doing!" He shouted again, and blushed again. I then turn away and go back to lifting heavy weights. When his turn on the long rope came, he jumped it and climbed it really high. The next time I turn around, he seemed to be the one that climbed the highest on the rope. "Ha ha ha! Look at me! I'm Flying!" He shouted loudly as he swang back and forth on the rope. The swings were very high and fast, making it dangerous for anyone to do it, but Akimitsu, being his daring self, didn't take a care to the height or speed. He just swang back and forth screaming, "I'm flying!" The whole gym stared at him shocked and worried as he swang higher and faster. "Akimitsu, are you crazy!?" One of the gym teachers asked him really worried as they got closer. "Yep! Crazy and I know it!" He screamed while laughing his head off. Then after a while of swinging, the gym teacher calls him and he stops and slides down. "Aww man, already?" "Yes already! Now hurry to your next class!" "Alright...." he sighed as he slouched his way bored to our next class. When school was over, I saw him with Sasu, waiting for pick up. Then a long, black car drove up and stopped near them and pulled the window down to talk. "Akimitsu, Sasu, come on, I'm kinda busy today with work" "Coming father" Sasu said as the both of them went in the car. Huh, I wonder why they're driving in a car like that with, whoever they're father is. Now I know it's kinda rude, but I strangely wanted to follow them, don't know why though. As the car started to drive away, I chased after it as I passed by the government doing so. "Ms. Fukashima? Where are you going?" "Follow that car!" "Why?" "Not now, I'll explain later, just catch up to it in the mean time" then after chasing them for a while, the car stops in front of their house and they start to get off. "You guys coming?" The father rushed in a serious tone. "Yeah dad, keep your pants on" Akimitsu just sighed. Then when they went inside, I decided to kinda follow them, but look from outside so I don't get caught. Then I look inside and see the father wearing something yellow on his head. "Father, don't tell me your working late again!" Sasu whined. He just patted her little head while saying, "No dear, daddy just has to take care of something" "well, okay, but when you come home, do you promise to read me my bedtime stories?" She tempted him with adorable puppy eyes. "O-Of course sweetheart, now go do your homework" "Yes father" she smiled and then walked off to go do her homework. "And Akimitsu," he turns t face him, "Watch over your little sister until I get back, okay? Cutting those trees should that quick though" I couldn't believe what my wolf ears were hearing. Cut down trees!? Who does this guy think he is!? What job requires that! he's also wearing a familiar outfit.......wait a minute......



"Ha! Yeah, that's right! All of you animals scram! Scram! This is building property now! Ha ha!"
"Bye bye animals..."

................I get it now......my chest hurts really bad from the unexpected truth before me but now I know why the father's leaving for work. Why he's dressed like that. He's one of them. One of the people who killed my mother. One of the people who destroys forest homes like mine for selfish business space, and if he has to, will hurt or kill animals without a care about it's life, just to use our home as stupid building property. And I bet Akimitsu is just like him. I knew you could never trust a human. NEVER. Then as tears rolled down my eyes from experiencing what humans call 'sadness', 'upsetness', or 'heartbreak', the door opens and him and Akimitsu accidentally see me crying. I stop and look at them surprised as the three of us exchanged surprised faces. "OKAMI!?" "OKAMI!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Then the two stop and look surprised at my burning cheeks and stream full of tears running down them. "You....jerk....." "What?" "Your just....like....them...." I cried angerily under my breath before running off. "Ms. Fukashima! wait!" "Don't bother today, drive me tomorrow, I just wanna be alone now!" I cried to the government as I kept running. As everyone stares at me confused and upset, I cry more terribly then I ever did. How could have I been so naive?

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