Annoying Akimitsu:

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After explaining more about the boy to everyone, they all gave me froze/surprised faces. "Wow, that's him?" "Tsk, what a joke. Lucky you you have male wolves like us, at least we're not stupid." Mordecai randomly said. "Wow, what a jerk" then After a while later, the government came back to take me again. "Ms. Fukushima, let's go" "I know I know, easy..." then again, I was silent through the whole car ride until I got there. "Have a nice day ms." "Thanks," as they left, I walked towards the school and braced myself for another day in "high" school. "Good morning class!" The teacher warmly greeted us. We all greeted her back of course. Then Akimitsu started up again. "Akimitsu, please, it's only been five minutes and class just started!" "When?" "When!?" She shot out of her seat. "Boy, tell me it's just my ears earing things, because if your trying to sass me, then think again before you push your luck..." she grinded her teeth on the last part. "Alright Miss, 'I'll behave for the rest of the day'" he mocked in a funny voice. The class laughed a little as the teacher face palmed herself and warned Akimitsu not to get stupid yet. Knowing him though, right away, he does. It started all up again during Science when we were during a class project. Supposedly, we were making an volcanoe with the usual stuff you need for it, "Newspapers", "paint", "structure supporters", "empty plastic bottle", "vinegar", and a couple of other things too, I think? If that's what the required tools are called. While working on the volcano, I was helping my class out with the building and preparing the lava. Then after building it, I hear "Phew! Phew!" sounds behind me, so I turn around and find Akimitsu playing around with one of the toy planes the teacher shows us in History class. "Akimitsu! Put that down!" "Or what?" He sassed back at me. "Before you break it stupid!" "Tsk, it's just an toy airplane, how can I possibly break this or what could I possibly use this for?"
"Uh, no---" "exactly, now go back to your project" "Alright, but remember your the one giving yourself a flat F-"
Then I go back to what I was doing and helped finally finish the lava part of the project. then we all heard a long "Pheeeeeeeeeeeew!" And looked at an object that dashed by us above. It was the toy plane! And what did he hook to it? We all looked closer until the teacher recognized the thing the plane carried in a net hanging from it. "Akimitsu, don't you dare..." he just smirked at her as we all looked at the plane confused. Then he flew it closer the volcano and shouted, "BOMBS AWAY!" he pressed a botton on the remote that released the thing the plane was carrying. "EVERYONE! HIT THE DECK!" he shouted as we all did. I looked at it carefully and wondered what it was. It was a small, round, white, thin pill looking thing. Until someone shouted, "Akimitsu! Why on earth would you drop an Mento in there with easily-to-explode soda we put in there!?" "That's what makes it fun, as if a plane was actually dropping a bomb on some location in war, Now, HIT THE DECK AND DON'T COME OUT FOR YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!" And with that, everyone screames thier heads off while hiding behind desks and huge objects to avoid the explosion. In those few seconds that that Mento met the weak easily-to-explode soda, it bubbled up quickly and then out of nowhere........

An very huge explosion of soda went dashing and running around the room as bits of it hitting things we hid behind slightly soaked us. "Great going Akimitsu!" I shouted angrily at him. Then after an hour of it happening, Everything seemed to suddenly stop and go quiet. "Everything's so quiet---" "Too quiet" Akimitsu cutted me off, "I'm gonna check" and so he does. He walks out slowly and looks around cautiously, waiting for something to happen. After a while of looking, then he turns to us and smiles. "Okay guys, I think it's all cle---AHHH!" Suddenly the blast of soda came back and dashed by him! Wetting him and knocking him down as if he got shot in battle, or something. "Akimitsu! Don't drop on us now soldier!" A random student who held him in thier arms said. Okay, I'll admit, this pretend play imagination is actually quite fun! We all screamed our heads as the soda continued running around the classroom, bursting it's juice like a huge laser everywhere. "Oh my God! Akimitsu! You idiot!" I screamed angrily at him. He just smirked back, "Someone had to test it, right? Don't let all the Americans have the fun" I just turned my head and focused on hiding from the "soda bomb" as I call it. After another long time of it running and never ending, as it seemed like forever, finally, the principal walks in, curious about what's going on. "Why is everyone screamin---" SPLASH! The soda got her completely wet from the shirt to the waist and then it stopped suddening in that one spot next to her. After she clenched her fists, I think that scard the soda blast enough to tone down and disappear finally, but that still left the classroom a mess with soda drops everywhere. And apparently whatever was out in the soda bomb explosion got ruined or blasted out a window, still in bad condition from the blast. Then we all came out from our desk to check out the mess until a few minutes later, she snapped her fingers seriously, fast, and loud enough to shock us into standing position terrified. "Akimitsu, get over here this instan..." she growled through her clenched teeth. She was really scary when serious! I don't know how Akimitsu stayed calm that whole time while walking up to her. "Come with me to my office..." she stomped out of the room as Akimitsu just went "Meh" and followed behind her, bored now that the fun was gone. As a few of us giggled, including me surprisingly, the teacher sighed and say, "I'll go call as many janitors as possible for this huge cleanup," when school ended, the government drove me back to Dad and my friends, in that long, but small corner. "Take care now ms. Fukushima," "Thanks boys" and then they drove off as Dad went to give me a big hug. "Hi sweetheart! How was your day?" "Well..." he suddenly became surprised and looked at my shirt. "Why are you soaked?" "Oh, you wouldn't be interested..." "Oh, we're interested!" Mordecai said excited as he ran up to me and sat down immediately. As soon as everyone saw him, they joined him and sat down while asking me questions. "Alright, but be warned, there's a lot of stupidity in this" and after explaining the long story of Akimitsu's Soda bomb explosion, everyone laughed thier heads. "Man! That boy sure is stupid!" Mordecai laughed. "He sounds the class clown type to me" Madeline giggled adorably as she covered her mouth. "If only you knew Akimitsu like I do, you wouldn't believe this boy" I sighed. Ever since then, each day of the week it happened, and after that too, no matter how long we go, weither hours, days, or weeks, we always talked about the "Soda bomb" story to every other student in the school who wasn't in our class to experience it. However, in those few weeks, Akimitsu prepared another trick up his sleeve that was ready to break the class's laugh boxes.

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