Wait, I'm going where!?

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We all sneak towards a near by clothes store and take small peeks inside. "Are you sure it's right to do this?" "Well, if they steal from us, it's only right to steal back from them, there's no pain in it, just a fair punishment called, 'payback'" then I nod my head and get everyone ready. After the lady directs her attention to a newspaper she's reading, I signal everyone, "Now!" And we all dash inside. All of us dash through without her seeing us and accidentally make some noise as we try out clothes. "Huh, I guess this one's good, does remind me of my hair and wolf fur a little" I say as I look at my white
t-shirt. Then we all dash out the store while, again, accidentally making some noise. Then the woman made a weird confused face and looked around the store. "Hmpt, probably just some undignified people...." then she went back to her newspaper disgusted. "If I may point out, you guys are the disgusting ones, littering, burping, and so on that you should be ashamed and embarrassed at your huge track record of them!" I quickly say to the lady before I quickly move on. Then she makes that face again and looks around the store. "Should I call an psychiatrist?" She shivered as she slowly worked her way up to  panick. When she did, she screamed and crashed somewhere for shelter, and lucky that place had a near by phone. Then laugh our heads off as we pass by her shop and leave somewhere else. "Okay guys," my Dad said, "We'll have to rest here for the night..." he pointed to an long ally that can fit us all, but it'll be a little cramped. "Rest? But I ain't tired!" "Okami, even you need to rest, tired or not" "But Dad" "What about your wound then? That would be a miraculous recovery young lady...." then I sigh, "Fine, I'll rest..." "Gotcha..." then we all lay down and try to make room for each other. Then I cluddle up in a corner next to Dad, "Goodnight everyone" "Goodnight Queen Okami! Goodnight Ex-King! Sleep well!"  They all smiled and then quickly fell asleep. Then it was morning and the bright sun kinda shined on us. It didn't really bother us though, we were able to still sleep. Then unexpectedly, we heard a loud, "cockadoodledoo!" From somewhere. "Oh my gosh, no...." "How is there even a Roaster over in the city?" Then the roaster looked towards us and cockadoodledood again.  "Please, it's still early..." I mumbled as I tried to cover my ears and fall asleep again. It still cockadoodledood annoyingly though no matter what. Then Mordecai finally got sick of it. "Cockadoodle SHUT UP!!!" Then he throws a random soda can at it hard, and the roaster goes "BAAAAWK!!!!" And immediately leaves before Mordecai makes him. "Okami" I wake up and rub my eyes. "Who---?" I look around and see my Dad walk towards me. "Dad? You were awake? Where did you come from?" "Well, let's just say last night, in order for you to fit in, I decided to sigh you up for a human schoool..." "A HUMAN WHAT!?" "School, it's where they go for education, and it's also the place I want you go to keep you more blended in and to mostly keep you safe....." I just slump. "You gotta be kidding me" "Nope" then I act like my wolf self and crawl to a corner and become upset. "Okami" I hissed at him. "No wolf right now, the government's coming to support you with School supplies and they're gonna take you there" "Dad! Why!?" "To protect you! Don't worry! You'll see me after school!" "You sure?" "I'm sure" then I see two serious, tough-looking men in black uniforms and glasses come toward us. "Okay Mr. Toshio, where's your daughter?" We all look paranoid at the scary men before us and shiver a little. "Right here Governor" and points to me. Then they nod and walk towards me. "Nice to meet you Ms. Fukashima, we're the Tokyo Government and as of now, we'll be taking care of your school matters." I think I twitched a little and started to slowly crawl backwards. "Sorry Mr. Governor, since this will be her first time going to school, she's kinds nervous" "No I'm not! I'm scary scard out of my mind!" I thought a little bit out loud. Luckily, no one heard me. "It's fine, but we need her to come with us now" then after I heard them say the now part really serious, I stood up and looked at them scard. "Okay boys, take me......to school....." "Good, come with us Ms. Fukashima" "Okay...." I obey and walk behind them as I look back at my father sadly. "Don't worry dear, we'll be alright, I'll help them, everything will be alright...." "But Dad," "it's okay sweetheart, your more important right now, I promise everything will be alright...." then I frown upsetly as he gives me a sad smile, I look back at the body guards and see them head toward a weird, black vehicle. "Okay Ms, get in the car" "I'm sorry?" "We're driving you to school" that thing's called a car? Oh whatever, the name doesn't matter, what's happening and where am I going is what worries me.  Then I shrug and obey. "Okay, we'll be there in a few minutes, maybe half an hour? Just hang in tight..."  "Yeah, sure, let's just get this over with" then they look at each other and shrug. Then as the car starts driving away, I see Dad and the other animals (as humans of course) wave goodbye to me. "Bye Okami!" Dad shouted. "Be careful dear!" Madeline tried to shout in her soft voice. Poor Madeline. Such a sweet voice, sweet personality, and sweet heart. I feel bad that she has to worry about me too. As well as Dad and everyone else. This is why I don't like humans. They always separate us and hurt us in ways like this. Now I wish I could somehow escape free and run back to everyone. Everyone that is now disappearing in the fog of sight with sadness and concern.

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