More surprises to come:

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Yep. This time, a few weeks later, Akimitsu had another surprise for the class, and teacher. Poor teacher. I can't imagine her even having to handle this guy for however long he's been here at this school. We were all in Science class at this moment and we were learning about gravity. With that smirk Akimitsu had, you could tell he was ready to plot something.
"So childern, in conclusion, that's how gravity works..." "Um, miss? Quick question!" The teacher sighs as she sees Akimitsu wave his hand annoyingly, back and forth. "Go ahead....." "So, gravity is what holds us down and helps keep us from floating?" "Well, technically yes,
but---" "So, if I was to pull this chair, this gentleman here would fall straight down on his butt?" "Huh?" The class all said surprised as they looked at him. "Akimitsu, I'm not asking for any gravity tests, so that won't be necessary..." "Whaaat? no no, It was just a hypothetical question" The way he said that though. That whole sentence, he sounds just as guilty as charged. "Hey! Don't use school slang to back sass me!" "I'm not, I'm just making my point." She gave him a cold I'm-watching-you-you-sly-brat face and then moved on to the board. "Okay class, getting back on the lesson, gravity can be very helpful to us, but it can also be very dangerous too" everyone expect me pretended to be interested by saying, "Ooo, danger" in monotone. "Yep, gravity controls anything with mass in it, pulling it towards the ground, if we went into space though, same rules don't apply because---" "we know this already, get to your point" "gladly, because we have a little mass in us, we come by to the ground with each jump and stay on the ground with each footstep of a walk or run" "Um, question?" Akimitsu raised his hand again. "Yes Akimitsu" "You sure we'd stay stuck like glue if we had too much gravity?" "Yes" "wouldn't that mean we're fat then?" Everyone almost bursts into laughter but tries to cover up thier mouths as they cry. "No Akimitsu, gravity just levels us in a good measure so we don't fly off to space and accidentally get pulled in fast by greater gravity from the sun and planets being close as hot as it, like mercury." "Okay," he smirked, then grabbed a male student's desk in front of him, "So gravity does keep us stuck to the ground.....stuck like glue like this!" He swipes the chair away and the student crashes on his back while screaming hilariously. He smiled though! Like if him and Akimitsu planned this. "AHHH! MY BACK! HELP! I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP!!!" he continues to scream hilariously. Everyone breaks into a laughing frenzy, some making funny faces, while others still have thier normal face when laughing. "AKIMITSU!" "What? You said that gravity is what holds us down, right?" "Yeah, but I meant it---" "It pulls us down when we're sitting or standing by uncontrollable force, exactly," "No!" Everyone continues laughing as another random student pulls another student in front of them's seat and that student also hits the ground hard. "AHH! OW! MY LEG!" the class is now in uncontrollable laughter as the teacher calls Akimitsu out loud, but with anger in her tone this time. "What? This is science, right? And if we land on our bottoms after a chair pull, that would be an example of gravity pulling us to the ground, right?" "Akimitsu, if the center core was trying so hard to pull us, we would be flat as pancakes on the ground right now, UNABLE TO MOVE" she growled the last part. "Well then, I guess that means it's gravity's fault were too lazy for exercise" "in what way?" "The way of which why were fell like energy drains from our body and forces our bodies uncontrollably onto soft materials, like the bed" everyone continues laughing as the teacher face palms herself. "Tireness and 'energy drain' has absolutely nothing to do with gravity" "You sure?" "How sure do I look?" She grinded through her teeth. "Uh, I dunno? I didn't know we were playing charades...." "AKIMITSU!" "Sorry" he sarcastically said. Then next thing I know, unexpectedly, Akimitsu pulls my chair and I fall flat on my bottom. "OUCH!" I shouted as he laughed his butt off. Then I slowly got back up and growled at him with my wolf tone. I even accidentally showed him my sharp wolf teeth! "Dang! Why are your teeth so sharp and animal like!?" He asked, maybe frightened? I dunno, but either way, he gave me a weird face while saying it. Then I snap myself back to reality and look around at the class and teacher. "Akimitsu, what are you saying!? Okami is beautiful, you jerk!" Someone shouted. "I'm dead serious! I saw sharp teeth!" "Right, Akimitsu, respect your classmates" the teacher said in a serious tone. "But teach, I---" "Respect your classmates" she slowly repeated in a even more serious tone this time. Then Akimitsu finally keep quiet and for the first time looked serious. "Thank you, that's more like it, now then class" and for the rest of the period, we talked about gravity and zero gravity. When leaving class, Akimitsu ran behind me and said, "Hey sass girl, what was that back in Science?" I turn around surprised at him. Then I turned my head the other way and decided to keep walking and ignore him. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He catches up to me, "Stop!" And grabs my arm and drags me back.
I stop and look back at him nervous and angrily. "What!?" "Why did you look like that back there!? What were those fangs!?" "I don't know now leave me alone!" I swang my arm out of his grip and ran for it. When I saw the government waiting for me, I immediately ran inside the car without a word and they just shrugged, figuring that I was probably eager to go home this time. Then as we drove away, I saw Akimitsu staring at me surprised as he stopped at the entrance of the school building. "So," the first man turned to me, "How was school today?" I just shrugged. "I guess okay, Akimitsu was just being silly like always" "I'm surprised the boy is just scolded and sent back to class" the other man driving said. "Same here, with the way he acts, that boy should be grateful at how lucky he is to be his stupid self in school instead of pushing that luck further and further above the line" his partner agreed with him. When we got home, again, it was a hug fest with all animals glomping one another and smiling, then my dad asked how my day went, like usual. "It was fine..." "tell us Akimitsu's adventure this time" I jumped up slightly shock but then bit my lip a little in worry. "Okay, this one was another one of his stupid tricks" as everyone sat down with food, focus, eagerness, and excitement, I explained everything that happened in class today. Well. Everything expect for the incident, where I accidentally showed him my fangs. That is a secret I must keep to myself and try to cover up to Akimitsu, and my own kind. Why? Because even I know that it's stuff like this that can expose and endanger within really quick seconds.

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