11. REGULUS BLACK (Bonus Chapter)

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As Regulus Black took small scared steps towards the sorting hat, he knew for a fact that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was the most magnificent place on Earth.

It wasn't just the sheer size or grandeur of the castle, but with its talking suits of armours, the tricky steps, the secret passageways, the floating lights and merry ghosts, the place was almost alive.

In fact, Regulus wasn't the least bit surprised when the Sorting Hat started singing. He was at Hogwarts after all, it was a place of magic and life where anything and everything was possible.

Regulus was still busy turning his head here and there to find his brother in the crowd when Professor Mcgonagall called out his name and at once Regulus walked forward with sure steps to be sorted into Slytherin.

The last thing he saw before the hat fell over his eyes were the four house banners coloured blue, scarlet, yellow and green.

"Hmm, let's see," said a tiny voice at the back of his head. Regulus was quite alarmed by the Hat talking into his head even though he had been warned by Sirius that it would. The only voice he had ever heard inside his head was his. The Hat's voice felt quite strange, like scrapping of two parchment against each other,, not harmful yet causing discomfort.

"I see a sharp mind and a kind heart, oh and there is strength as well, conviction and cunning combined. Hmm- Hufflepuff would be good for you- but I'd rather say SLYTHERIN!"

Regulus was ecstatic, that is until he finally spotted his brother in the crowd.

"NO!" gasped Sirius, and every head in the Hall turned towards him.

For the shortest moment possible, the Hall was quiet and Regulus could feel all the joy leaving his body through his toes. He stood by the stool uncomfortable, unsure of what to do when a girl from the Slytherin table got up.

"Sod off, Black!" she shouted, waving her arms angrily at Sirius.

"Yeah, Screw you, Sirius," Malfoy said, standing up as well and the entire Slytherin table started applauding, though Regulus wasn't sure if they were applauding him, Malfoy or the other girl.

Regulus was still standing by the stool when he felt someone's arm on his shoulder. He turned around and looked up to find McGonagall with her scroll, looking down at him through her square rimmed glasses.

"Off to your table, now Mr. Black," she said.

Regulus smiled and went running to his table, and the applause became louder.

"We got Regulus!" Bellatrix, Regulus and Sirius's cousin, shrieked teasingly as Malfoy made room for him right next to the prefects. Regulus Black had never felt so special in his life before.

He didn't remember much of the start of term feast, mostly because it didn't feel like it. At the Slytherin table Regulus was surrounded by so many familiar faces that he felt right at home. He spent most of the feast saying hello to one cousin or another. Everyone was so nice, it felt like family, and it almost was.

When the feast was over and Malfoy and the other prefects were gathering all the first years to show the way to the their common room, Regulus realised that he had eaten a bit too much and really needed to use the restroom.

He could use the Slytherin lavatories, of course, but he guessed once he entered the common room there would be too much to do. He would have to introduce himself to all the other first year students, judge their character and form lifelong friendship, going to the restroom in the middle of it all might seem a tad bit inappropriate.

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