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"Japan?" Angela's boss asked her in disbelief.

"Yes, Japan. There has been a lot going on there, and I want to travel more. It can help further my research" The doctor replied, handing in her staff pass.

"But Mercy-" He stood up, obviously gutted.

"There are many other skilled doctors here. They need desperate help in Japan!" She pleaded, trying to prove her point as much as possible.

"With that ninja boy that suddenly appeared they'll be fine!" They argued back and forth, not getting anywhere.

"The injured still need to be properly tended to!" Angela pleaded again, insisting that her decision was for the best.

Angela "Mercy" Ziegler is a world renowned doctor, famous for 'bringing people back from the dead'. However, no one knew her real name or how she got her hands on so many 'powers'. Its not like the world they lived in were short of magic though.

She stormed out of her former boss's officer, hanging the white lab coat up on a hook in the staff room.

Angela had decided to quit her job in Switzerland and start to travel more to further her research and work. Her first stop was Japan, where a lot of injuries and crime were happening as of the latest year.

However, this 'ninja' had been blowing up. He just suddenly appeared one day and started interfering with many crimes, covering his face with a mask that looked metallic. He went by the name of 'Genji', but it was unclear if it was his real name or not.

The police were actually out for him, saying that he didn't have the right to interfere with crime this way, although the general public disagreed.

Angela was curious if Genji had any knowledge on anything she needed to research, she initially thought that she could befriend him and hopefully he'd have some knowledge on something. After all, she was extremely famous, and recognised everywhere she went as Mercy, the best doctor in the world. She hated it.


Thankfully, the flight was smooth. Angela was trapped in an airport with rabid 'fans' after her constantly. She hated all the attention. Yes, she was a very very intelligent doctor who had changed the world of medicine forever, but that didn't give people the excuse to invade her privacy. She was glad she kept her real name to herself, it was one thing she had to herself.

She was staying in the small town of Hanamura, where she found a relatively cheep flat to live in for a few months at least. English was also spoken fluently by the small town, so that was definitely an up, as Angela wasn't exactly fluent in Japanese.

Once she arrived at the small bungalow, she was completely astounded by the view and atmosphere. Cherry blossoms were gliding across the ground, being taken by the wind. Chatter was heard from kids that were passing by. Angela could make out a few words and sentences. They seemed to be talking about a sport called Lúcioball.

The atmosphere was so friendly, the kids smiling widely at Angela, though they didn't seem to recognise her as Mercy, which made her glad.

She entered the house, dumping her suitcase at the door. She was rather tired, but she wanted nothing more than to explore the town and meet the people. She was really excited.


After a few hours of being in the little house, Angela had finally unpacked her things and put them in the appropriate places. She wasn't quite sure on where she was going to start with finding who Genji was. She was in Japan at least - so was at least in the same country.

She tiredly flopped down onto the brown, soft couch as a rather loud yawn escaped her mouth. She had to try and change her sleep routine to fit with Japans times, so she forced herself to stay up.

After a while, there was a small knock on her front door. Angela was convinced that she was having auditory hallucinations, but she decided to check anyway. She really didn't feel great, or in the mood to really greet anyone.

She took a deep breath as she opened the door, quite nervous on who or what was behind the door, waiting for her to appear. In the worst case scenario, she would be recognised.

Once she opened the door fully, she was rather confused. All that appeared before her was a boy who looked her age, with green slick back hair.

He had quite a baby face, but his physique made it obvious that he was not much younger than Angela, if at all. He was almost her height, only slightly taller. Angela was rather tall herself. She really never expected to see anyone with coloured hair in the town she was living in, but she felt it really said a lot about his personality.

He had a goofy smile on his face as his green eyes smiled with him. He was holding a bouquet of really pretty turquoise flowers in both hands.

Angela thought he was rather attractive.

"Hello! I just thought I'd come by and greet you to the neighborhood" He chirped. His accent wasn't that strong, but it was noticeable when he said certain words, especially ones that had the letters l or r.

"Oh! Well, that's kind of you" Angela replied, smiling back. She was actually rather self conscious about her own accent.

"These are for you" He carefully handed her the bouquet, smiling wider at her. "I'm Genji. Genji Shimada. I hope we'll get along!" He closed his eyes and cocked his head.

"Thank you! They're beautiful. I'm-" She stopped herself from talking, not knowing how to introduce herself. It'd been awhile since she had introduced herself properly without the other person knowing who she was prior to them meeting.

"Kuso! I'm so sorry, but I really need to go" He looked at the small watch on his wrist as his face turned to panic. "Its been really nice meeting you, see you around" He said as he fled quickly.

He ran extremely fast to a house that was just across from Angela's, and climbed up the wall with no effort at all. He had disappeared within seconds.

"What the hell?" Angela laughed to herself, slowly closing her door.

Wait a minute.


This is merely a coincidence. There is no way that green haired boy is the Genji. It must be a common name.

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