The Argument

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Tony's POV

I decided to just act normal...for now. I mean, there's no point getting all worked up about it right now when he clearly isn't going to talk about it.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked with a casual tone.

"What are you doing? Why are you just acting like today never happened?" Tears were streaming down his face again.

"Listen, Clay, don't cry, okay? It's just that I don't want to rush you into talking about it. Don't get me wrong, we will talk about it, just not yet." I edged closer to him and kept my voice low.

"O...okay. So, do you maybe wanna ask if Skye and Ryan wanna come over and hang?" Clay shakily asked.

"Um, sure, but why Ryan? I mean it's no problem but....Ryan?" I ask rather amused.

"Oh, um, well I guess we kinda started talking after the whole thing with the tapes was over and him and Skye seem to get along as well."

"Well, okay then. I'll give them a call."

Clay's POV

Tony, Skye, Ryan and I were in Tony's room hanging out when we hear the doorbell. A few minutes later, Tony comes back from answering the door with Brad trailing behind him. Shit.

Tony's POV

He looks pissed. When i opened the door and saw Brad my face dropped. He soon figured out that I had company and his face filled with rage.

"Who's in there?" He starts acting but I really don't like his tone. He is aware that I have friends, right?

"Clay, Skye and Ryan. Problem?" I ask.

"Wait, you mean your stalker, the emo and your nosey ex? What are they doing here?" He asks with a disgusted look on his face. Is he actually jealous? Wait. Did he call Clay a stalker? My Clay?!

"Listen. That 'stalker' happens to be my friend and so are the others. If you have a problem with that babe, then you can kindly fuck off." I know he can see through my sarcastic tone and the small, fake smile that played on my lips but he can't just insult my friends and expect me to let it go.

"Aw, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I'm just having a bad day. Please forgive me." He is pouting, he knows I can't resist the pouting.

"It's alright baby, come in, us guys are just hanging out at the moment." Of course I haven't completely forgiven him, he insulted my Clay but there is no point in starting an argument right now.

Skye's POV

Clay looks he always does when Brad walks in the room. I signal to Ryan to make him look at Clay's now glistening eyes. He raises his eyebrows but I don't think it's a good idea to continue our communication as Brad was looking in our direction.

"So, what have you guys been up to without me?" He is glaring at Clay and Tony isn't even noticing, is he feeling okay?

"Well, we were just...." I try to start but Brad interrupts me.

"No," He gives me this horrid look, "I asked Clay."

"O...oh,, w...well," You can see Brad getting impatient, "we..we have just b..been talk...talking and ha...having a b..bit of a l...laugh."

Jesus Clay, pull yourself together.

"Well, you don't look too happy mate. Maybe you should just go home." Did he just? Surely Tony picked up on that attitude.

"Brad! Don't be so rude. Clay can stay if he wants to stay. If you have a problem then you leave!" Tony starts shouting.

"What?! I am your boyfriend, you can't just kick me out for some ugly freak!" Maybe Ryan and I's plan to get Tony and Clay together won't be as hard as we thought.

"Don't you dare say that about Clay! Some boyfriend you are if you're constantly insulting my best friend."

"Fine, I'll leave!" And with that, he storms out, slamming the door behind him.

Clay's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck.

Tony's POV

As soon as Brad stepped out of the room, Clay burst out in tears. Quickly, I ran over to him and sat on my bed next to him. I went to put my hand on his back but he shot up and curled into a ball, on the floor, in the corner of the room.

"Clay, what's going on? Talk to me, please." Now, I'm not completely oblivious. I know something has happened with Brad. I don't know whether this is because of what he said about Clay or whether he has done something else but something is going on.

"Listen, Tony, Ryan and I are just gonna take him home and you can go patch up with your perfect little boyfriend, yeah?" Skye spoke in a sarcastic bitter tone that I absolutely despised.

"What?! Clay is my best friend, I'm not just gonna leave him now. I don't care about Brad right now. I need to know Clay is okay!" I practically screamed at her but she didn't seem phased.

Skye just ignored me, softened her voice and spoke to Clay in such a low tone that i couldn't even hear her. Suddenly, Clay was getting up and walking towards the door with her and Ryan. I had no idea what to do. I just stood there and watched them take my sobbing, broken friend away.

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