Promises,Welcome to Basic Training

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Authors Note: WELL, I decided to do the next chapter all in one day and booyyy am I tired, anyways I hope you enjoyed last chapter and will enjoy this

  It was the next day after that dreadful day of the attack. The military deemed that it was impossible to drive all the titans out of the city and inner wall, thus in a final decision, abandoned wall maria. You and your sister made it off the boat along with eren, mikasa, and armin also. Your sister told both eren and mikasa to stay with you two, armin had to join his grandfather in getting some bread. Your sister went in line to get yours and her food, while you were talking with eren and mikasa...and they told you what happened to their mother. 

Y/N: eren... I'm sorry..

Eren: Yeah, and I'm sorry about your mom and dad too.

Y/N: I still can't believe it, our home, our families, friends, almost all of it is gone.

Eren: It may be gone, but not all of it. We still have each other, and we gotta stick by one another. Y/N, I got your back.

Eren puts his hand on your shoulder and you look at each other with determination in your eyes knowing your gonna be there for one another. A few minutes later armin runs up to you guys.

Armin: Guys! My grandpa was able to get us some more bread.

He reveals in his arms four loaves of bread, one for each of you.

Amin: With the sudden wave of refugees coming into wall rose, food will become a problem. And with how things are run in the inner walls, if your from farther out, the more they won't care about you.

???: Why do we gotta share with these low lives from the outer wall?

You and the other three turn to see two Garrison soldiers were the ones who said that.

Garrison 1: If they were just going to break through the wall, they could've eaten more people and save us a hassle right? hah

You were all taken back by this, Eren was mad but your blood was boiling. Eren walked up to them and you followed closely. He kicked the guard who said those putrid things in the shin. Seeing that he was gonna strike eren, you move him out of the way and grab his arm, twisting it behind him. The guard groaned in pain.

Garrison 1: AGH! Why are you standing there? Get this brat off me!

The second guard was coming towards you with a kick, seeing this, you move the guard your holding in front of you and he gets kicked in the stomach. He falls to the ground clutching his gut gasping for air, the guard tries again but this time you side step and wrap his leg with your arm and sweep his other leg from under him. You hold him on the ground until you see the first guard get back up about to swing at you, you duck and send a punch to his groin, he falls down clutching his manhood in pain, you look at him and give him an elbow to the head knocking him out. The other guard got up and was hesitant on what to do.

Y/N: What? Can't take care of an 11 year old kid scumbag?

Hearing this enraged him.

Garrison 2: You little shit!

He came charging at you with a punch, you blocked it spun around to his back and kicked his knee out forcing him to the ground, once on his knee, you put him in a choke hold. As you slowly suffocate him, you start to speak to him.

Y/N: You have no clue what the hell it was like out there. That was our home and it was just taken from not just me and my friends, but ALL the people here.

All the refugees are looking and listening to whats going on. Your sister saw you and was gonna stop you but she stopped when you continued to talk. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa watch in awe as you continue your speech.

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