11 - 'Killing fields' [Skipping Advised]

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I before E, except after C.

I had a school project due today, about an hour ago, and I didn't do it.

The girls' bathroom smells like smoke and the boys' bathroom smells like piss and smoke.

'These are a few of my favourite things'

If I were to transfer back to Canada, I think I would have a hard time adjusting because I'm so used to being jostled around by a constant crowd of black kids.

When starting a sentence with 'I'm not racist but. . .' it is a good idea not to have friends of the race you're about to put down around.

Feminism isn't a bad thing.

How do I know I'm seeing the same purple as you?

The killing fields mentioned above are what my mother and my grandmother call the local 'international' maarket where they buy dungeoness crab for us to eat. I don't know why, because it doesn't really make sense. The crabbers don't go out and kill crabs in field of shallow ocean water. They drop mesh crate with rotting chicken and fish in the middle that the crab crawl into and get stuck in. I know, I go crabbing sometimes. Raw and old pork works best.

Don't fish on the same dock as you crab (verb, not the crustacean), or you might catch a crab on your fishing line. Speaking from experience, it was the most exhilarating thing. I thought I caught a huge fish, when instead a dull brown crab breached the surface of the water. He let go immediately, and I was disheartened because nobody believed I had caught it on my rod. The only people who saw it were me and this little white poodle, but she wasn't much of a talker, but she'd yap your ear off.

When you say, "I think Jared is gay." and someone else retorts, "But he's got a wedding ring on." it makes me a bit queasy that people are so narrow minded.

Person 1: I think he's gay

Person 2: Impossible, look at his hair/clothes/shoes/wedding ring. He's definitely straight.

And they say it like they're trying to convincethemselves, like they themselves don't believe what they just said because it sounded so stupid coming out of their mouths like that.

Fictional writing is like trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat. And writing a parable is just like writing a simile, except putting 'Getting into the Kingdom of God is like. . .' at the beginning. Fictional writing is sometimes very hard to do if you don't have a plot or the motivatoin to write it. To quote Stephen King (I think Ii've said this before) "Never trust anything a fiction writer says about himself." The next quote is the relevant one, I just wanted to throw that first one in here because I thought I should tell you that only some of my stories are true.

"I have no quarrel with literary fiction, which usually concerns itself with extraordinary people in ordinary situations. . . I'm much more interested by ordinary people in extraordinary situations. . ."

I think that I write mostly the former. The normal people in crazy events. At least, I'd like to think that I do. I don't really write enough fiction to completely know for sure which style I write in.

When I wrote the [Skipping Advised] warning on the chapter, I meant skipping this chapter is advised. This is not really a chapter, but really just a little 'thought bubble' I'm having. I jave to constantly check the italics and the size, or it may end up a jumbled mess. I think I may end this whole train wreck by itself soon enough because it's ultimately going nowhere. By 'it's', I meant my train and this story. My train I think, is coming into it's next stop with plenty of people waiting at the station, and I don't know which one's I'm letting off yet. My junior year is coming to a close, and I sort of don't want it to go. I was practically raised in this environment, and I'm not ready to be pushed from the nest.

I was never good at transitions, both in my writing and in real life times. I used to throw tantrums and I'd bite people. Now I just say no continuously until they leave me alone. But to quote my favourite author (haha, yet again. don't think this is the last of my quoting either) "Fading roses, this garden's over."

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