2 - I digress

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Mike James. Good luck, sweetheart.

You've got yourself a nice set of lungs. That makes you a good swimmer, did you know that? If you have good lungs, you can take a good breath, and you can stay underwater longer. Scaring kids in the pool by coming up behind them and breaking the surface with a deep booming growl. Wouldn't that just be peachy.

I don't like to ask questions of my readers (or my glancers. I understand that this will receive minimal attention.) but I will break that habit to the best of my abilities. Some people are taken in with 'interactive' readings, so I'll ask you all. Are you the one to be scared, or to do the scaring in the pool? Why?

This is one of those topics that your teacher would hand you in that  where you have to bubble in your name and student number, where you're from, whether your booklet Caucasian, or black. I'm not saying that like that to hurt someone's feelings. I'm saying that because that's how it's put on the public school tests here in Georgia. I agree, that's dumb. Whoever thought that would be a good idea needs to take their head out of their ass and hop back into the 21st century.

So now, you've got your first bit of life, and you've got a nice pair of healthy baby lungs, that will proceed to wake your parents up through the late hours of the night. There's nothing really left to do in order to develop this life except grow up. Everyone does it eventually, and it happens to the best of us. Yes, I suppose that at my age, I'm not considered grown up, and I don't want to ever be grown up. I have to get a car, and I have to get a job, and I have to get married and have three kids. I don't want any of the freedoms that adulthood promises you.

Growing up also means extra responsibilities. Girls, if you decide it's a good idea to have unprotected sex and you're not on the pill, and he's not pulling out at the last second, you might has well have counted your chickens before they hatch, because goddamn it all if you're not going to end up pregnant. Boys, I don't have much to tell you regarding responsibilities. I myself and not considered a 'male' by society, so I cannot coach you on what to do. I can tell you, however, that if you think it's a good idea to smack a girl's ass to get her attention, you are sorely mistaken. Girls will turn around, smack (smake) your face, and go to no ends to break your arm. No amount of apologizing and grovelling is going to make them feel any less inclined to get rid of your only girlfriend, your right/left hand.

Then again, some girls like that, and I'm wrong. Some boys don't give a shit what happens, as long as they get to climax inside a girl, or at least because of what a girl has done. Boys can leave, walk out when they feel like it, but I'm not going into a tandem about that. I'm going to do what I said I'd do in the very first three paragraphs of this entire thing. I'm going to write an anecdote.

When your life turns into a train wreck.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang