1 - To begin

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  • Dedicated to Grace Summers

Starting something like this for the first time, I'm drawn up short. I have no idea what I'm doing, no experience in this sort of thing, and as much as I would like to write this, I cannot find the words I would like to use.

So I will start with something small, maybe an anecdote, or short story from something that happened to someone I know. When I say 'saved her from her satanic ways', I say that because I'm expecting most people to read this under the mindset that they are christian or of some sort of faith that is by-the-bible 'holy shit did she just write that' religion. I'm not saying religion is a bad thing, and my saying that does not imply that I think otherwise. You can practice whatever religion you like, be a vegan, and live in the Sahara desert for all I cared. But that would raise the question of, 'How are you getting internet connection in the Sahara desert?', because I'm sure that whatever internet provider I'm using does not reach that far and you have exceeded my expectations of a human's want to read my things.

Again, I digress (I will forewarn you that this will happen a lot, since I enjoy getting off topic, like my mother.) and I take you to where you need to go after you've obtained your first shred of life. I'll assume that all of your were born of human mothers, either out of the vaginal canal, or Caesaran Section like I was, and that that was where you first found life. It either smacked you in the face and yelled at you to wake up, or it sort of slipped into you while the doctor's were running around, fretting you were dead because you weren't screaming.

Mine came with the latter, I think. I was born with a heart murmur, which I grew out of , but I think is slowly returning, if that's a thing that can happen. Anyways, you've pulled this little bit of life from the air, and you're holding onto it. At first, it's awkward and you want to climb back into the warm protection of your mother's uterus. At whatever age you are now, that thought  of pulling open a women's body just to hunker down in it would most likely send shivers down your spine. Or they did at least to mine.

But you want to return to your mother's uterus, and you can't, because the damned doctors have just severed your last physical bond with your mother; your umbilical cord. Your lungs have taken in as much air as they can and they throwing this new air back over your vocal chords. Any child that screamed like you did would impress their mother, I'm sure.

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