"Wow. Way to talk to the person who got you of all the pets and cared for you" said Hermione. "What? Wait, Hermione? You're a cat?!" meowed Crookshanks in shock. "Yup. So come follow me so you can escape" meowed Hermione. "Escape? What do you mean? What's going on?" asked Crookshanks. "Fire" said Hermione.

"Wait. How come you seem different. Aside from being a cat. Like, kind of evil. Or maybe completely" said Crookshanks. "Because I kind of am. I started the fire" said Hermione. "What?! Why? How?" asked Crookshanks. "With my powers" said Hermione. "Powers? Mind filling me in on what's going on while we walk?" asked Crookshanks. "Of course. Come on, quickly!" said Hermione.

She ran ahead and leading the way down the girl's staircase and to the back of the portrait. She used powers with her mind to slightly open it and snuck through it followed by Crookshanks before her mind closed the portrait shut again. "Oh! Who's doing that? Is someone wearing an invisibility cloak?" asked the Fat Lady angrily.

When she heard the screams of the children inside she panicked. "Oh, no! Help!" shouted the Fat Lady. Some other portraits across from her and next to her all looked at her. "Help! Fire in my common room!" shouted the Fat Lady. All of them instantly panicked and Hermione inwardly smirked as they all ran down the portraits to get help from an actual person who wasn't a painting.

Hermione started leading the way to the front of the castle where she was sure people would still be. Hermione stopped right at the castle door left wide open. She saw Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Professor McGonnagal, Mr. Filch, and Mrs. Norris. She saw Mrs. Norris turn her head towards her and Crookshanks.

"Care to explain how exactly you made a half giant fall this deep in a hole?" meowed Mrs. Norris. "What?!" meowed Crookshanks. "It was nothing, calm down" said Hermione. The professors and Filch all turned Heir heads at the sounds of three different meows. "What are they staring at?" meowed Hermione.

"The one who should be locked up paying for her crimes" said Mrs. Norris, sounding very angry to the humans. "You mean you know the Gryffindor common room is on fire?" asked Crookshanks. "What? No, I did not!" meowed Mrs. Norris. "Yeah, cause it just happened" said Hermione. "Oh, no!" meowed Mrs. Norris loudly. "What's going on with this cats?" asked Snape annoyed at all the meowing.

"I don't know. Minerva, may you?" asked Dumbledore using hand gestures to point to the cats. "Of course" said the head of Gryffindor. She turned into her animagus, a cat, and walked up to the cats. Hermione's cat eyes widened and she took a few steps back and stood just behind Crookshanks. "What's going on?!" meowed Crookshanks really confused. He was really smart but seriously had no idea what was happening.

"Someone somehow got stuck in a hole. A half giant. Do you have any idea what happened?" asked the new cat. "Not me" said Crookshanks. Mrs. Norris turned to Hermione and Hermione remained silent hiding behind Crookshanks. "What about you two?" asked McGonagall. "I didn't see anything," said Mrs. Norris, "but I heard something" said Mrs. Norris getting the professor's full attention.

"Well, what did you hear?" asked McGonagall. "Why don't you ask this cat?" said Mrs. Norris emphasizing the word 'cat.' McGonagall turner her attention to Hermione and studied her. "Who are you?" asked McGonagall. "A little kitty according to Filch" said Hermione. "So you're a pet?" asked McGonagall. "Nope" said Hermione.

"Then who are you and what are you doing here at Hogwarts?" asked McGonagall. Hermione thought about what she was going to say and sighed. "I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm probably your worst nightmare. Wait, no. Everyone in the wizard world's worst nightmare. I suggest you spread the word before something else happens" said Hermione.

"Excuse me?" asked McGonagall dumbfounded. "You heard me. I'm you and everyone else in the wizard world, including the creatures, worst nightmare. Isn't that right, Mrs. Norris? You told me yourself, I'm worse than him" said Hermione. "Worse than who?" asked McGonagall. "Take a guess" said Hermione.

McGonagall studied her for a few seconds before Mrs. Norris started to shout who she was. Crookshanks, still confused if he should trust his own owner, stopped Mrs. Norris. "Be quiet! If anyone should tell, it should be her!" meowed Crookshanks angrily and a bit confused.

"Thank you, Crookshanks" said Hermione. "Um, No problem. It's so weird talking to you when you're a cat" said Crookshanks not realizing what he said. "Wait, you're not really a cat? Who are you?" asked McGonagall.

"Not an animagus, if that's what you're thinking. I'm probably more like a shape shifter. Its funny how you can't guess. It's not that hard. Not as hard as it will be to save your Gryffindor students after every second you waste. Their all in their common room stuck in a fire" said Hermione.

"What? Fire?!" shouted McGonagall. "Yeah. Fire" said Hermione cruelly. "What's your name? Hermione? Again, you are cruel and sick. Worse than your stupid old father" asked Mrs. Norris. "Miss Granger?" asked McGonagall shocked. "No, sorry. She's not here. She's dead. It's Miss Riddle" said Hermione.

McGonagall, having enough of the conversation, turned back into a human. "It's her. It's miss Granger" said McGonagall. The faces on the professors and Filch paled. Hermione, angry, turned back into a human. "For the millionth time, its Riddle!" shouted Hermione. "Miss Granger, enough of this! You are not well! You have to take a break and just rest. I'm sure you'll be better tomorrow" said Dumbledore trying to be encouraging and intimidating to Hermione.

"I won't be better ever! Every last person on this sick planet is stupid! Not one even cares about me! Not even a little! You all disgust me and I hope every last one of you dies" said Hermione angrily remembering her father's words he told her earlier. 'You're such a disappointment. I can't believe you're my daughter! Or your mother's daughter! She would absolutely hate you and be ashamed of you'.

Suddenly her vision was clouded and replaced by something else. A vision.

"What did you do? You made my daughter go run away! Now I bet she's going to tell them my plans! Thanks a lot! Why did you and your son have to mess this up?" shouted Voldemort in rage. "Um, if I may, my Lord, you had just made her feel bad about herself. You specifically told her that you and her mother hate her" said Lucius Malfoy thinking what happens over.

"She ruined my plans!" shouted Voldemort. "I'm confused. Are you angry at her, or are you worried?" asked Lucius. "Angry! No, worried. No, I meant angry. Wait, I don't know! Mostly angry at her but also worried she'll tell and spoil my plans" said Voldemort.

"So you're not worried about the sake of her being because she could get locked up in Azkaban or even killed" said Lucius. "Wait, what?! She could get killed?" shouted Draco in worry behind his father, scared to face the Dark Lord even though he knew his girlfriend was much, much worse.

"Calm down. I doubt she'll get killed. They're mainly after her father so they wouldn't kill her. They'd probably more likely use her as bait, if anything. But you never know if she just went to hide out somewhere" pointed out Lucius giving hope to Voldemort.

"Then I'll call a meeting to get all the Death Eaters to help find Hermione. I'm sure Severus might find her if she's anywhere near Hogwarts" said Voldemort before pressing his hand to his wrist causing Lucius to wince at the pain it caused him.

Hermione's vision faded back. Her heart broke even more if that was possible. She didn't realize there were tears in her eyes until Dumbledore pointed it out. "Miss, umm, Riddle, are you okay? You're crying" said Dumbledore. He felt bad for the girl. He had killed her mother and now something else happens to make her sad. He didn't know what but he thought that if he asked she would tell.

Hermione blinked and looked up and felt a few tears fall down her face. Hermione took a few steps back. "I'll just go. Don't even try to come looking for me Professor Snape. I'll make sure to use everything in my power you can't find me" said Hermione. "What? Why would I look for you?" asked Snape before he winced and silently screeched in pain from his wrist.

"That. My father wants you and the others to find me so he can see if I said any one of his plans. Which I don't care about. Tell him I don't want to be a part of his life if he and my mom don't care about me. Tell him he doesn't have to worry about what I tell anyone. Tell him he lost me again" said Hermione with more tears streaming down her face before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Everyone turned to Snape, even the two cats. "What was that about?" asked McGonagall. "Family drama?" guessed Dumbledore. Snape winced again. "I suggest you go and find out, Severus" said Dumbledore. "Of course" said Snape before he apparated, since he was outside of the Hogwarts castle, to Riddle Manor.

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