Point of view

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I'm diving down the road heading to my apartment still thinking about the last words Fury said to me and the rest of the group.

"Everyone because Dawn does have somewhat of a relation to Matt she will be stay in the tower for at least two weeks depending on how much progress she gets done with him"

What did he come back for.


Tony POV
I started thinking about the new girl, and do we really need her I mean based on what we saw she can hold her own but on the other hand she looks so fragile as if someone or something could just break her in half like a toothpick. I question how she'll be able handle her self on the battlefield I mean will she really be just like Natasha and Clint; we might as well call them the three musketeers. Maybe there's more to our new friends then Fury is telling maybe some digging will get me my answer yeah.

Thor POV
I was unsure about these two mainly the young lady since it was evident that Matt could take a beating from her but I don't think lady Jasper could take on someone like myself let alone the Tony with the suit on. So I've decided to talk to Fury and get answers from him while dragging Loki behind me good thing he got out of his trance from watching her beat down Matt. She might have made him remember something he didn't want to remember.

Clint POV
"Wait Nat you know her and worked with her before" I asked since I was curious and confused as to why I haven't met her before.
"Yeah she makes a pretty good partner but then there are times when she needs to watch herself" she said still keeping her eyes on that Matt guy.
"So what do you know about her?" I asked
"Well I don't think I can answer that but it depends on what you want to hear" she continued which only gave me more questions then answers.

Bruce POV
I was just putting some stuff back in it's place when I spot tony hacking into shield..again.
"Tony what are you doing?"
"I'm hacking in shield duh" he said sarcastically.
"No Tony, I mean what are you doing" he obviously knew what I was talking about.
"Listen I'm just try to find out more about our new friends that's all" he knows what trouble he could get into..again.
"That seems like a violation of the privacy policy" I said but in my opinion the two new comers are odd in ways mainly that the guy why would Fury just let him off the hook all because he knows the new girl it doesn't make sense.
"AWWW!! Damn it!" Tony said in frustration
"What is it?" I said a bit confused
"There files are clean there's only the stuff we already know about"
"Well you tried" I said about to go back to work.
"Wait I've got an idea"

Steve POV
I was just talking to Fury when Thor and Loki come in
"Fury may I have a word with you" he said while walking up the stairs.
"Is there a problem" Fury responded
"Well there is a bit confusion with what the new comrades" Thor explains.
"What about them"
"Well do you really think it's a good idea to have these powerless mortals here" Thor continue I looked at him then back at Fury
"I mean he has a point" I said I mean what use would they have to us.
"Listen boys I have faith that they will live up to your expectations, but for now you'll just have to live with the fact that I wouldn't have put them on team if I didn't think they could handle it" Fury said with a stern voice.
"Ok I think we got it" I said trying not to sound to obvious that I was more then a little taken back.

Matt POV
They really don't know anything about us do they well this will be fun let's see just how Dawn will go. Besides ghouls shouldn't be friends with humans anyway she could get herself into trouble. But if Dawn wants to be a good friend she really shouldn't be keeping secrets either also so if she doesn't say anything maybe that should be my cue to break the ice with them but I think I'll wait.
For now.

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