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Frisk has been living with me and Asriel for quite a while now. She's been loving every second of it.

She's such a good listener, She's the second person I'd go to if I needed to talk to. Sans is the first of course. Sorry Asriel.

Me and her are best friends.

The only thing I don't like about her is that she's always around Asriel even out of the house. Yes I know she lives with him. I'm not jealous what so ever. I just think she has a huge crush on him. Asriel is pretty oblivious to the fact that she laughs at his terrible jokes. She evens flirts with him, Well at least it looks like she is. I keep trying to not let it bother me, But I can't help it.

I finally wake up and walk into the kitchen. Asriel and Frisk are making breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head." Asriel says while kissing me.

Frisk smiles and waves at me and goes back to the stove.

"Morning." I grumble.

"You hungry? We made waffles." Asriel asks.

"Yeah, I could eat. Thanks guys." I walk into the living room and lay down on the couch me and Frisk found.

"Chara, me and Frisk were gonna go to Napstablook's, wanna come?" Asriel asks.

"I would love to but I was gonna go to Grillby's with Sans. Thanks anyways. Oh and can you get me my Panic! At the Disco CD from him, I've been trying to get it back." 

"Sure will, We'll be home later. Call me if you need anything." Asriel says while kissing my cheek and leaving with Frisk. I call Sans and tell him we need to talk.

I would walk to Waterfall where Sans is stationed today. "Hey Sans." 

"Sup Chara, I'll allow you to pry me away from work since this seems serious.Anyways, Let's go I know a shortcut."

We get to Grillby's and we sit right at the bar. "Hey I heard Frisk is living with you and Asriel. By the way did you two talk back then?" Sans asks.

"Uh yeah me and Asriel have been dating for a few months now, We're really serious. Frisk, She's cool, But she's the person I wanted to talk about. So Frisk and Asriel have been hanging around each other. Yeah I know we all live together, But it's out of the house as well. I know they're friends, But it looks like she's flirting with him and always laughs at his awful jokes. I just don't know what to do."

"That's great that you and Asriel are dating. Frisk flirts with him?" Sans asks.

"It looks like it." I reply.

"I think they're just friends, I don't think she would ever get in the way of you and Asriel."

"I don't know Sans, Hey wanna have some fun?"

"What do you mean by fun?"

"Grillby! Two beers! Put them on my tab." I yell to Grillby.

"I don't know about this Chara. Paps will definitely catch me."

"Then I'll drink them!" I say taking a sip.

"Only if you can handle it."

"Oh puh-lease, I can handle it." 

I had way too many beers to count. Maybe a bad idea. I needed something to try and take my mind off Frisk and Asriel. Not the best option but it worked.

"Chara you should probably stop, It's getting late." Sans says grabbing my arm.

"One more!" I say trying to get another.

"No Chara! I'm bringing you home." Sans says helping me up.

"Aww come on Sans. This is fun!" I say.

We would walk out the door and Sans would let me go when we are by the door.

I slam the door open. Frisk and Asriel jump.

"Chara, Where in the world were you?" Asriel says getting up.

"I was having some fun!" I say in the most drunkest voice ever.

"I think you need some rest." Asriel says while putting an arm round me and helping me to my room. Frisk is close behind.

"No no babe, I'm fine!" I say as I fall.

"You're fine?" Asriel says setting me down on my bed. "Just get some rest, You need it." 

"Are you trying to hide something from me?" I ask them before they leave.

They turn around and look at me. "What do you mean, Chara?"

"You and Frisk."

They look at each other then back to me. "Chara you should get some rest." Asriel says grabbing my hand.

I pull back as I look Asriel up and down. "You don't really love me, do you?" I ask in a very stern voice.

"Chara I do, You're just really drunk and not thinking straight," Asriel replies.

"No you don't!" You like Frisk and Frisk likes you! It's really obvious! You and Frisk are lovey dovey to each other all the time! It's like we never started dating!" I yell at Asriel.

Not one of them say anything.

"Say something for fuck sake!" I yell.

Still nothing.

"I knew it! I told you! You do love her! Get the fuck out!" I yell at them both as I push them out the door.

"Chara-" I slam the door in their faces before Asriel could finish.

I just flop onto my bed and cry myself to sleep.

It's true. He does love her.


Could Friskriel be a thing? Is Chariel over? Find out in the next chapter. 

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