A few years later.

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It's been a while since Asriel and I lived with Toriel and Asgore. We moved into the ruins by ourselves.

We look totally different! Asriel now has horns. He wears a black T-shirt and Jeans. His voice has gotten deeper too. When we was younger his voice was high. Me on the other hand, I stole one of Undyne's black tank tops and wear that all the time. Also I tie my sweater around my waist. Some brown pants and combat boots and also I have the same hair. Just longer.

In my free time, I usally hang with the skele-bros. Mostly Sans because he's the best listener and his jokes always cheer me up. We go to Grillby's all the time. Sometimes I'll go hang out with Undyne. She still thinks I should be dead and Used to break the barrier. But other than that. She's cool.

Now Asriel, Ever since he found out what a computer was he's on it all the time. Mostly spent playing video games. When he's not playing on whatever game he is playing on. Me and him always hang out. We still go on adventures in the underground.

I love being in the underground, Espiscally with Asriel. He was the very first person I met when I fell down here. I love him a lot. He just doesn't know it. I haven't told him yet. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I know we're sorta siblings, But I consider him as a brother from another mother. I'm not scared to tell him that I like him, Like I said before, I don't want it to ruin our friendship.

Asriel is the best friend you could ever wish for, he's so sweet, caring, loveable. I could go on for days! He is just the best.


This was more of a character description than a chapter. Anyways I have always shipped Chara X Asriel so I think this made the FF better. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

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