Falling down

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I'd walk to the mountain "Oh wow! This is Beautiful! How could anyone be scared of th-" I say, as i trip over a vine and fall into the mountain.

"No, No, No! I can't die! I don't want to die!" I say.

I woke up hurting all over "Ow! I hurt everywhere..." I say

I heard a high voice.... "Is someone there? Oh! You've fallen down.. Haven't you?" It's a goat boy he's wearing a green and yellow striped sweater kinda like mine.

He came closer to me as he helped me up "Are you ok? My name's Asriel, What's yours?" He said.


"Chara? Huh? That's a nice name." He replies.

"Asriel!" we hear a woman's voice.

"I found a human." Asriel says.

"Oh child, are you injured? Let me heal you child." She said "Do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, Caretaker of the ruins."

I guess I took a pretty bad fall... "Thank you" I say.

"Child you should come with us. You must be starving" Toriel Says.

God I don't know these people very well. But i trust them. I take Toriel's hand. "Yeah I am."

We get to a grey house and I hear Toriel say "Asriel why don't you show Chara around?"

"Yeah I will!" He grabbed my hand and showed me every inch of the house. I'm starting to like him.

"Hey Chara you should meet my dad! He's the king of the underground." He says excitedly.

"The king?" I ask.

"Yeah follow me!" he replies.

"Chara. That's a sweet name. You are the future of humans and monsters, you are the hopes and dreams for everyone. If humans can accept us as you have we will find peace on the surface. You can't leave here, But.. you could be part of our family."

I don't even know these people as I said before but maybe I would love to be part of their family.. "I'd love that" I say.


I wake up bright and early to wake Asriel up.

"Wake up!" I yell in his ear.

"AHHH!" he screams while jumping "Don't do that!"

"Let's go on an adventure!" I say dragging him out of his bed.

"It's too early Chara, We'll get in trouble."

"Don't worry we'll be back soon, I'm bored"

We walk to Hotlands and go to the lab as I knock on the door.

"Why Here?" Asriel asks.

"I wanted to play with Sans and Papyrus, Don't you?" I say.

The door opens and reveals Sans's Face. "What are you doing here? You know my dad doesn't like being interrupted while he's working." Sans says while inviting us to come in.

"We wanted to play!" Asriel says.

"Ok! Paps come on! Dad we're gonna go play. We'll be back later!" Sans says shouting to his dad and Papyrus.

Papyrus is really young so he waddles up to us. Gaster says something only Sans understands and we leave.

We walk to Snowdin and I pick up a pile of snow and make it into a ball, as I throw it at Asriel. "Snowball fight!" I yell.

"Haha You're on!" Asriel yells as he throws a snowball at me.

"You guy's are about to get dunked!" Sans says joining in the fun.

Papyrus just sits down in the snow and just watches in amazement.

Asriel throws a huge glob of snow at me and I tumble off the edge. "AHHHH no, no not again!" I shout.

Before I get too far a blue glow surrounds me and I stop falling. I start going up. I land on the soft snow and the glow of blue disappears in a instant.

"Chara! You're okay! I'm so so sorry!" Asriel runs up to me with tears in his eyes, He's crying so much. He turns to look at Sans "Thank you so much Sans you saved her!"

"If I wasn't here Chara you'd be a goner, But it's nothing really."

I'm surprised that i'm alive "Th-thank you Sans"

"I better get going, Come on Paps! Just in case our dad starts to worry, Cya later!" Sans says as he leaves with Papyrus.

Asriel is still crying though. *Ring* I get a call, I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask the caller.

"Are you alright? I couldn't find you when I woke up" Toriel says.

"We're fine. Just wanted to have some fun." I say.

"Is Asriel okay? I hear crying" Toriel replies.

Should I lie or tell the truth. If I do tell the truth she will never let me go outside ever again."Oh yeah he's fine we was having a snowball fight and I accidently hit him in the eye."

"Please be more careful, Chara."

Phew "I will, love you"

She says bye and hangs up.

"Hey it's fine, I'm fine Asriel. Stop crying" I say as I hug him.

"Okay, I'm ok. Can we go home?" He asks.

"Yeah, Let's go!"


Hi! I've really wanted to do a fan fiction for a really long time. I've just never had the chance.I've also been really obsessed With undertale so i decided to make a fan fiction about Chara and Asriel i may add more Characters later on in the Fan fiction, So keep an eye out. Making the next chapter soon! Bye!

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