Blue Pegasus' First Contact

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Touka and Ayato had gone on a simple grocery trip and had stopped at a small cafe, ordered simple black coffee. Ayato had gone to the restroom leaving Touka alone. While awaiting her brother's return, three men had young ghoul in their sights. They were Blue Pegasus' very own womanizers Hibiki Lates, Ren Akatsuki, and Eve Tearm. Not knowing that the girl had  a overprotective brother on the verge of returning to his sister, the three approached the girl with the hopes that she will come to their guild. They thought that the guild could always have more beautiful women like herself. 

"Hello~" the three chimed in unison, trying to catch her attention. When she didn't respond Eve slid into the seat in front of her, where Ayato was sitting. "Hello, I'm Eve Tearm, my friends here are Hibiki Lates and Ren Akatsuki! Now whats a pretty thing like your self doing all alone in a shifty cafe?"He asked.

"Touka Kirishima, I'm waiting for my sibling. Now screw off" Touka respond irritated. She didn't like the way he was talking to her. She could handle herself  more than what these guys could.

"Awww don't be like that," Hibiki started on.

"You can trust us," Ren finished the thought while he put a hand on Touka's thigh. And as this happened Ayato had come out of the restroom to see his sister surrounded by three men and one had the nerve to touch her! 

"OI WHAT ARE YOU TRYING WITH MY SISTER, BASTARDS?!" Ayato shouted, pushing Ren away from Touka roughly, breaking some chairs. He knew that if it had gone any further she would of stopped their advances her self, but he wanted to do it. She was the last family he had so of course he would be overprotective. 

Seeing that her idiot brother had gotten in a mood, Touka deiced that it was time to leave before anyone becomes a meal. "Hey bakato, we need to go. The others are waiting and we haven't even started shopping," she says plainly. "Tch!" he hissed back. "Alright, but if I find you three ANYWHERE near my little sister, I'll kill you all without hesitation!" He growled in the direction of the Trimens, who nodded their heads violently at him while trying to get Ren up. With that the Kirishima siblings left behind three terrified men and a slightly broken cafe.

"Why didn't you stop those fuckers?" Ayato asked while Touka was looking at mask material for Uta. "Two reasons. One: I knew you would handle it when you came back. And two: I wanted to lay low." She said quietly "Which one?" she held up two materials in front of him. He grabbed the left one and stretched it and did the same with the other one. Also putting them to his face to test how easy it is to breath and how much it would effect their heightened senses. "this one" he said plainly holding up the right one. Touka nodded and bought a few stacks before they went of to buy the food for Juuzou.

When they arrived back to 'base' which they switched from an open field to a small 'abandoned' house. It had every thing they needed and was out of the way. The first thing they saw was Kaneki and Nishiki  toying with lacramas out side. Those two were always interested in those things. From what they had gathered the lacramas have different elements and the elements do different things. Some were one use others could be used multiple. 

Next was Juuzou and Uta. They were waiting 'patiently' by the door. Uta waiting for mask materials and Juuzou was hungry. When they saw the siblings they immideatly jumped for the bags in their arms. 

The last one they saw was the damned gourmet-- I mean Tsukiyama, who was napping. Later that night everyone told what happened. Kaneki and Nishiki were experimenting with the lacramas and learned that there is a way to use the lacramas to their advantage. By coating their kagune with the element. Tsukiyama had deiced that strong mages tasted absolutely divine. Juuzou and Uta had stated they have nothing to contribute to the meeting this time. And finally Touka and Ayato told them of the Blue Pegasus encounter. After the explanation they deiced that they need to stock up on lacramas. Uta had over heard that their was a bank of sorts that holds lacramas. Soon they started planing on striping the bank of all its valuables.

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