Counsel Discovery

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The Magic Counsel was facing a problem. Ghoul Fang, once labeled as a passive group, attacked  Andraeanum a few days ago leaving a very small amount alive. Those who lived state that there was seven members slaughtering indiscriminately then disappearing afterwards without a trace. Disturbingly taking some corpses with them. Witnesses report that they had some kind of limb or organ protruding from their back except for one. He was called 'Hunter'  whom seemed to be partnered with 'Blank Face'. Instead Hunter wielded a gigantic disfigured scythe that cuts through humans and buildings effortlessly. His 'partner's' weapon  seems to be some sort of tail. 'Gourmet' has some sort of arm-blade, 'Serpent' a tail that he ether wraps around his leg or uses as a weapon, Shiro and Kuro Rabbit have wings, Shiro having one and Kuro having two, and finally Eye-patch has tentacle like tails.

The Counsel seriously hoped this was a just a fluke.

Back at Ghoul Fang gathering place in the woods

Kaneki was silently reading a book he got from the raid, Nishiki was studying, Juuzou was making more stitches, Touka and Ayato were catching up with each other, Uta making masks, and Tsukiyama was stalking Kaneki from the corner. If anyone were to stumble upon them they would think they were friends hanging out. Juuzou's Quinque  was resting besides him. A pretty normal day for them all.

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