Chapter 2

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He's tall.

I can't stand tall people.

Being a short person in a world of tall people, it's really hard to be acknowledged, which is why I'd always planned to marry someone the same height as me- because then they'd be living in the same tiny world that I'm in.

But no, my fiancé is tall. And muscular. And he's got those kind of eyes that you can just sink into...

"Felicity, this is Jason Boux. Jason, this is your fiancé, Felicity Archéz." My father must be serious if he even went with me into the hall to introduce me to this Jason guy. I don't think I've seen him anywhere but his office in the past 8 years- since I was ten and he'd landed his biggest deal in history-  celebrated by a huge party in which he spent the whole time in the phone looking for more investments.

"Delighted to meet you, mademoiselle. " the guy has an American-French accent, and looks at me with a warming smile and kind eyes. At least I think they're kind- his floppy black hair is covering the majority of his left eye.

This can't be too bad- he's ok actually. I take in his high cheekbones and jawline as my father rambles on about the arrangements- some meetings and conferences, when the wedding will be, accommodation...

Accommodation?! "Wait, do I have to move house?!" I demand.

"Yes, felicity, you and Jason are together now- you will share an apartment in one of the penthouse suites of your choice."

"Share?! I'm not moving and I'm not sharing with him!"

"It's part of the deal, don't make this difficult for me, felicity."

Jason is watching our pointless argument with an expression of amusement.

"No way! I don't want to move- what about school?! What about my apartment?! How's my roommate going to pay rent for the both of us?!"

"It's none of your concern. Your business is with Jason now." My father is beginning to look embarrassed in front of his guest.

"No. There is NO WAY I'M MOVING!"

The new apartment is huge. Technically, it was a penthouse on the second tallest skyscraper in the city. (The tallest was occupied by rick parffit's dog sitter, and my father said it was in a lesser neighbourhood anyway)

I'd given in when my father reminded me what I was doing this for. So that's why I find myself exploring one of the biggest properties I've been in yet alone owned since I moved out of the estate three years ago.

Jason seems pretty casual about the whole 'fiancé' thing. Maybe he's used to it., he can't be used to it- he's 19, and can't have been married already.

I wander around the penthouse, contemplating the meaning of my life now it's a lie, and realise there is only one bedroom.


Jason saunters into the bedroom. It's , like the apartment in general, huge. The double bed in the middle looks like a water bed, and the wardrobe seems to stretch the whole length of the room that's not the side with one big window on it.

"What's up?" His french accent is gone. Was it there before or did I imagine it? Who even is he? I've never heard of Jason Boux.

"Well...there's only one bed." I awkwardly point at the water bed, as if he couldn't see it.

"Yeah? So?"

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