Chapter 1

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'My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
Of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound:
Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?'

I savour the line, soaking it in and translating it in my head as the sleek black limo halts at another traffic light. We're nearly there; not long until I'll have to draw my attention away from the blissful sanity of Shakespeare and back into this crazy world that my parents would describe as 'life'.

I reckon there's about five minutes until my driver arrives. Well, five minutes if we're going to dad's skyscraper in the centre of the city, 15 odd if my father has told the driver to take me to the family estate. I honestly couldn't care less where I end up. it all means the same to me- that my parents want something. And I'm going to have to agree to it no matter what.

Sighing, I lie back on the plush seats of the limousine and carry on reading the book is brought with me when the driver has knocked on my apartment door.

At least I have five spare minutes to read...


I'd fallen asleep in the limousine. We'd gone to the estate, so I'd been out for about 10 minutes before woken up.

I stand in the massive waiting room outside my father's office. There's a guy with a tattered suitcase sitting on a sofa across from me. He looks nervous. Probably something to do with marketing - this family gets offered about 700 businesses deals a day.

I get buzzed into the office, and I slouch in through the unlocked door.

Fingers crossed this will be quick.

Unsurprisingly, my dad is sat in a thousand pound suit behind his mahogany desk in the centre of the room.

But I'm slightly shocked to see my mother there behind him- her stern face wrinkled and coated in makeup. Beside her stands my older sister- Gabriella.

"Felicity. Sit down."

I sit down at my father's command.

"We have an important matter to discuss today. Make sure you're listening properly."

I nod my head to show I am listening. In family meetings like this I find it's best to stay quiet unless asked to speak. It complicates matters much less.

"As you may have heard from the company magazines, we are investing in a new business opportunity. I'm assuming you heard?"

"I have, father." I haven't heard a thing about it.

"Well, Felicity, not many people have heard of it outside our company. We need what could be called 'bait' to attract people into buying our products."

I'm not following this- what's it got to do with me?

"This is where you come in."

Here it comes...

"Being our youngest daughter, I've been advised that a relationship with a famous or political figure will spread news and intrigue buyers into using our brand. We've found you a match with.."

I cut him off before he can even finish his sentence. "What?! You can't do that!" I practically scream. "That's SO unfair, you can't just sell me out for profit!"

My father shifts in his faux fur covered seat.

"We can, though, baby." My mum interrupts. "You are a member of this family, so you must contribute to it."

"I have though!" I'm at the front of the desk now, practically face to face with my father and close enough to my mother to hurt her ears if I scream loud enough. "I've done every damn thing you told me to! But you can't just sell me off!"

"It's not your choice to make. " my father is standing now, his face looming down on my from his height. "It's a family decision."

"What about Gabby?" I protest, pointing at my pouting sister. She just looks up with a dumb expression on her face and gapes at my mother- her puppy dog eyes boring into my mothers beady ones.

"Gabriella can't get married!" My mother replied with a face of fake horror. "She's just started her modelling career- it can't be jeopardised so soon in. It has to be you."

"But there are things I want to do! What about me?!"

My parents don't get that I want to be normal and have my own life. This is so unfair of them when I've constantly said that I want to do my own thing!

My father slumps back into his chair and runs his temples with his fingers. "Felicity, you're a part of this family and must do what you're told. You've been hiding from your responsibilities with thoughts of art school for too long. You must do what you're told. "

Another thing my father doesn't get about me is my 'obsession' with art. I can't help that I love painting and would much prefer to be in a studio all day instead of at business meetings or fashion shows.

"But because we need you, I will fund your art school. On the condition that you do what we tell you to do."

There's a pause. He knows he's thrown me a bone. And there's no way I can't take it.

"What...what exactly do you want me to do?" I ask cautiously.

My father smirks, knowing he'd won this argument from the start. "You stay with him. He's your fiancé, you get married, stay together until we say you can divorce, all goes smoothly. You have to portray the perfect couple- go on dinner dates and crap like that. Just attract attention."

Sounds horrible but..."I'll do it."

My messed up family smiles almost evilly at the thought of the profit they'll make from selling off their youngest daughter.

"Good." My father replies. "Your husband to be is right outside.

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