I laugh a bit when I see Lillie glare at Undertaker and scratch the back of my head, "Well I couldn't just leave her and let her go to hell..."

Undertaker nods his head in agreement.

Three kids run up to the fence, "Lots of people here today, huh big brother?" The little boy says to the older boy.

"You're older! You don't know?"
"Are you dumb?"
"I'm only twelve! I don't have to know!" Ehhhhh? So this is how humans boys the age of twelve act?.... wait a minute... then does that mean Ciel acts like a old man?!

"Indeed." Undertaker says joining in on the conversation.

The kids look over and see Undertaker leaning on the fence, "Its only natural a normal twelve year old wouldn't know. Today is a certain noblewoman's big day."

The kids back away from Undertaker, he isn't THAT scary...

"Big day?" The little girl asks, the oldest covers her mouth.

"Yes-- a persons final, biggest ceremony in life. The funeral." Undertaker really has to trim his nails...

"OH! That's right!" I shout popping from out behind Undertaker, effectively scaring the kids. I grab Kyle with my free hand and rush off to the church.

We get there just as Ciel sits on the coffin, "White flowers and plain dresses don't suit you." Ciel picks the rose on his suit off and puts it in her hair. "What suits you is a passionate red. The color of spider lilies blazing in the fields... Aunt An." When Ciel leans down and touches his forehead with hers is when I get the signal to do my thing.

I whisper a few words and a strong yet soft, gust of wind blows rose petals into the church.

Suddenly a vision comes over me and I hear two woman singing. I look around and I see Madam Red and a tiny Ciel and Elisabeth. The two woman are holding their arms above them and Elizabeth and Ciel go through. Madam Red brings her arms down and catches Ciel, bringing him in a hug.

(Muhahaha! Are your heart strings pulled yet?)When the vision ends a stray tear falls from my eye and I notice Sebastian staring so I quickly wipe it away before he does anything drastic

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(Muhahaha! Are your heart strings pulled yet?)
When the vision ends a stray tear falls from my eye and I notice Sebastian staring so I quickly wipe it away before he does anything drastic.

I feel Lillie tug softly on my hair, I look down to see her reaching out towards Ciel. Madam Red... even after death and rebirth you still wish to be there for Ciel as much as possible....

___Time skip___

"You're not going to report to the queen who Jack the ripper was?" Lau asks leaning against the window.

"There is no need. Her wish was that we end the incidence. That objective has been fulfilled." Ciel says looking out the window.

"And you'll keep right on sinking into the quagmire, won't you? Even if you set foot somewhere that you can't return from, I know you would never let anyone see you pathetically screaming and crying for help. Not you, the proud dog of the queen. I'll be careful not to make myself a target for you, my Lord." Lau says, pulling me away from Kyle and petting my head.

Kyle glares at him but makes no move because he might wake Lillie who was sleeping in his arms.

"Opium dens are starting to become a problem. If you're going to get out, now's the time." Ciel warns.

"If I did that, I'd have to think of another business to run."

Ciel puts his top hat on and glares at the hand on top of my head, "You could always go back to your home country." "I haven't exhausted my interest in this country yet." Lau let's go of me and whispers something in Ciel's ear.

"I fully expect you'll put on many more interesting shows for me." Lau says, waving his hand good bye and walking away.

Ciel hooks his arm with mine, "We have somewhere to go. Come."

Kyle clicks his tongue and mutters something like, "What are we, dogs?"

We walk outside to the grave yard and stop in front of a grave. "This is..." Sebastian starts off.

"My final customer from the Jack the Ripper murders." Undertaker says cutting off Sebastian.

"Apparently she was an immigrant. They couldn't find anyone to claim her body." Ciel says staring at the grave of the lady that was killed by Grell and Madam Red.

Undertaker hugs me and pokes Ciel's cheek, "So our kindhearted Earl here hired me to pretty her up and even erected this gravestone for her."

"In not kind hearted. If I had given her life first priority that night, there would have been plenty of ways to save her. But instead, I prioritized catching Jack the Ripper. I knew she wouldn't be saved. I knew, and I let her die... My own flesh and blood." Ciel says referring to Madam Red.

I sigh and slap Ciel in the face, "W-Wha-" I glare at him, (*le gasp* Shits bout to go down, Rei glared!) "It's in the past now so we can't change anything! The only thing we can do is help her live through this lifetime and make sure things are differently than last time!" I hold up Lillie, who was wide awake now and looking Ciel in the eye.

"See this? This is Madam Red, she isn't gone, she was given a second chance at life so she can pass through heavens gates! If you want to make it up to her then make sure she lives her life happily and without a worry about the underworld! Ciel, I wiped her memories but in a way, she still remembers you. She remembers the feelings she held for you!" Ciel looks at the infant that was reaching out to him and giggling.

I could see his eyes soften and he lets out a sigh, "Your right, I'm sorry Rei... Lillie." He grabs Lillie from me and cradles her in his arms.

As Kyle, Undertaker, and I walk off on our own, Undertaker breaks the silence, "You know his outcome already, don't you?" I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

Undertaker stops walking and I stop too, Kyle runs into Undertakers back and face plants the ground.

"Then why do you still help him?"
"I don't know... I suppose he has grown on me... and I now think of him as a friend."
"You know you are putting yourself at risk doing this, that boy is a magnet for trouble." Undertaker says in a warning tone.

"I understand that...." I smile, "But it takes a lot to kill someone like me."

Undertaker grabs my shoulders, pushes his bangs away and looks me in the eyes. "I understand that, but I swear if you end up hurt because of something he or his butler did..."

Undertaker and Kyle's eyes glow a neon green and a bright blue as they both say in sync.

"I'll kill them both."

This chapter is 2125 words long.
Yasss I was able to fit two chapters in one weekend!!! And.... now I am going to sleep. .-. Till next time my lovely readers!
                   ~the author

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