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The gang entered the lobby as Emile Mondevarious was there. The gang with all smiles and cheer in their faces. "Mystery Inc. You all seem rather cheery. Good news, I hope?" Emile said and Sammi nodded. "Mr. Mononucleosis..." Fred said and Emile sighed before he turned to the blonde. "Yes" he asked and sounded irritated. "We have hit a clue smorgasbord. We have three suspects as to who's behind this evil scheme" Sammi said and Emile nodded.
"N' Goo Tuana. He believes
your park's on enchanted ground" Velma said and Brady nodded along. "The voodoo man, who tricked me into going to the castle" Daphne said and Brady pat her shoulder for comfort. Daphne smiled at him and he did the same. "And you" Fred said before Emile started to stutter. "Me?" Emile asked and the gang ignored him. "Let's split up. We'll meet in a half-hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd" Fred said and the gang nodded. "I'll go with you" Sammi said and Fred nodded. He knew he was going to need a ice pack by the end of the night.
"I'll translate these inscriptions Daphne found" Velma said and Daphne turned towards the brunette. "I'll go research cults on the Net" Daphne said and she and Velma high-fived. Daphne and Velma then went to do what they were going to do. "I'm a suspect?" Emile asked and Fred shook his head. "Don't take it personally. It's because you creep me out" Fred said before leaving and Sammi soon following behind. "I guess I will go and get something to eat with you Shaggy" Brady said and Shaggy nodded as he went over to Mary Jane who was at the bar in the room.
Meanwhile with Fred and Sammi, Sammi hung back a little before Fred finally stopped and turned to face her. "What's wrong?" He asked and Sammi smiled sheepishly. "You could always tell when I was upset. Especially in high school" Sammi said and Fred chuckled. Sammi went over to the wall and slide down it. Fred following suit. "Is this about the castle thing. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said and Sammi shook her head.
"I am mad about that. It's just.... what happened to us?" She asked and turned her head to face him. "What do you mean?" He asked turning his head to face her. "I mean... we used to be best friends and now we barely even talk to each other without wanting to tare each other apart" she said and bit her lip looking at the ground. Fred didn't know what came through his mind when he did this but he did. He kissed Sammi. The girl he had a crush on. And it wasn't on the cheek. No he had made her face face him and kissed her on the lips. Of course, Sammi was so shocked she didn't know how to respond. She still had her eyes wide when he pulled back.
           When he saw her shocked face he got up and started to ask questions all around. Sammi tried to wrap her mind around what happened but her head was filled with to many questions. She eventually went to her room and got into a more comfortable outfit. She put on skinny jeans and a red flannel shirt. She quickly went to the first employee she found and started to ask questions. Trying to get out of her mind what just happened.
           Meanwhile with Velma, she was looking at the Daemon Ritus. It had symbols all around it. A guy Velma had meet earlier on the plane took a seat next to her and looked at the strange pyramid she was looking at. "Hey. Your friends ditch you?" He asked and Velma shook her head. "No, I always did the brainwork" she told the guy and he nodded.
          "What's this?" He asked and Velma had this sparkle in her eye. "I believe it's called the Daemon Ritus" she told him and he nodded. "Daemon Ritus? What's it for?" The guy asked and Velma turned her head to look at him. "This describes an old race of creatures. It's reminiscent of Pandaemonous texts, so I can make some of it out. It looks like instructions to some sort of secret ritual" she told the guy and he smiled at her.
         "It is fascinating" he said and Velma nodded before a guy came over and gave her a drink. "On the house. Nice sweater" he told her and she nodded before taking a drink. She didn't like the taste it had going down her throats so she stopped drinking it. "You really dig doing this, huh?" The guy asked and Velma nodded.
          "Like, clues and stuff. Certainly.
Really focusing on a mystery reminds me of the old days" Velma said and the guy nodded along. As she says this she thinks of how it was in the good old days were and was thinking on how they would ride in the Van, that Shaggy owns now. In this picture, Shaggy and Scooby sat in the back with Sammi in an actual seat they had in the back. Velma sat on the left facing the inside of the vehicle. Daphne sat in the middle while her, at the time, boyfriend Fred sat next to her. "We were quite a crew back then. That was the best time of my life. Shaggy and Scooby what goofballs! Kind of like they are today" Velma said with a laugh.
        "And Shaggy's sister Sammi. She was so pretty. At the time she wouldn't believe it because of how hard people were on her. And Daphne... So beautiful. She was the coolest girl at Coolsville High. Fred. He was so handsome. And he really knew how to accessorize" Velma said to the guy and the guy smiled. "Sounds perfect" the guy said. "Yeah. It was. Unfortunately every family has one nut" Velma told him before she groaned remembering that one nut. "That day I decided I wanted to try out the back and Sammi could have the front seat for once. Boy was that a mistake" Velma said.
         Sammi sat in the front next to Daphne and Daphne smiled a fake smile at her. Daphne and Sammi couldn't really get along well. They both liked the same guy. "Scrappy-Dappy-Doo! Ghosts don't stand a chance with me. Let me at 'em. I'll rack 'em. I'll sock 'em" Scrappy said as he emerged from the back. "For the thousandth time, there's no such thing as ghosts" Fred told Scrappy as Scrappy moved in the front. "Sure there are. When I find them, I'll give them a dose of puppy power!" Scrappy told Fred as he stopped on one one Sammi's knees and started to pee on her and Daphne.
            "Oh, Gosh. He's peeing on me" Daphne said and Fred stopped the Van and Scrappy hit the front window of the car. 'That little egomaniac had flipped his lid' Velma thought as she was telling the guy in the present this to. "Scrappy, I told you, no urinating on Daphne and Sammi" Fred yelled at Scrappy like Scrappy was his misbehaved son. "It was an accident" Scrappy told Fred crossing his arms.
         "You were marking your territory" Fred yelled back and Scrappy got to the dashboard of the vehicle. "You don't have the scrote for this job. Listen up, losers. The time has come to appoint me your unquestioned leader. Either that, or I'm out of here" Scrappy said pointing a finger out the door. The gang looked at each other before Sammi opened the door pushing Scrappy out and Shaggy handed her Scrappy's bags to throw them out. Sammi closed the door and the van drove off leaving a mad Scrappy behind.
________End of Flashback_________
"Puppy power, huh?" The guy asked and Velma nodded while giggling. "And he wasn't even a puppy. He had a gland disorder" she told him while still giggling. "by the way, I never got your name on the plane ride" the guy said and Velma stopped giggling so she could say her name. "I'm Velma" she said and held out a hand toward him. "I'm Chris" he said and shook her hand. She nodded and Sammi, Fred, and Daphne entered the room as the music stopped in the background and everyone cheered.
      Scooby whistled and clapped his hands on the ground before looking out the window to see a beast. He ran away from the window, knocking a few people down in the process, and went under a table screaming "Help me! Help me! Monsters! Monsters!". Sammi and Fred saw and Sammi held her hand saying that she had this. Fred nodded to her as she ran over to Scooby. "Scooby, this is the most embarrassing thing you've done since you cleaned your beans at Don Knotts' Christmas party" Sammi whispered angrily at Scooby before he started to giggle evilly. "How many times do I have to tell you? There are no such things as ghouls, ghosts, goblins or monsters" Sammi asked before she got up and got on the table Scooby was under.
         "Now listen up. There is absolutely, absolutely no such thing as..." Sammi said before the window broke revealing a purple looking monster. "Was Ghost" she screamed before her and other people started to run for the exit. Sammi tripped on the step and the monster was able to grab her foot. "Sammi" Fred yelled before the the monster picked Sammi up by the foot. "Scooby..." she yelled before the monster breathed/burped in her face. "Save Brady and....." she said before she passed out.
      Scooby then finally got out from under the table and ran over to Fred. More creatures then entered the building and started to chase after the people. Brady then went over to try to save Sammi but the monster grabbed him and breathed/burped in his face. "Brady!" Daphne yelled as she put her hand over her mouth. Velma got toppled and dropped her glasses in the process. Another Monster dropped from the sky close to Velma and she muttered "My glasses. I can't find my glasses. Help me find my glasses" she felt them in her hand before they were picked up and she grabbed them from the hand saying "Thank you". She got up and saw the creature not scared at all. Even when the monster screeched in her face.
        "Nice mask. Bad breath" she said before she started to giggle. The creature then picked her up and Velma tried to take the "mask" off. When she realized she couldn't the monsters breathed/burped in her face and she was out cold to. "Velma!" Shaggy screamed as glass broke behind him and he pulled Mary Jane as she and him dived behind the bar counter. "Velma" Chris yelled before he grabbed the beast but the beast pulled him up instead.
          Daphne started to run up the stairs as Shaggy and Mary Jane popped their head up from behind the counter. Fred ran over to Shaggy and jumped right next to him. "This is, like, the opposite of what I wanted to do today" Shaggy told Mary Jane and Fred want to say something sarcastic but kept it in himself.
            Daphne then saw the Daemon Ritus still on the table Velma was sitting at and ran towards it. N' Goo Tuana saw Daphne and tried to beat her to it. She got there first and stuck her tongue out at him. He tried to grab her but the crowd leaving pushed him away and Daphne then stood in front of Mr. Mondevarious. "Leave it! Stand back, sir. I'll protect you" she told him and a creature reached up from the floor and grabbed Emile dragging him down. "Mr. Mondevarious!" Daphne exclaimed as she hit the creatures arm away from her.
      "Daphne, go!" Shaggy yelled as he, Mary Jane, Fred, and now Daphne ran out of the lobby. "Scooby-Doo, where are you?" Shaggy yelled before the creature burst through the floor and Shaggy ran faster out of the room.

You remind of a man.
(What man?)
Oh, the man with the power.
(What power?)
Oh, the power of voodoo
(Who do?)
Oh, you do, you do
(Do what?)

         The song played in the background as the creatures looked around for anymore people. They cheeked by the suitcases and saw no one there until one started to move on its own. The monster the lifted the suitcase up and it revealed a very scared dog named Scooby. The monster than slashed at Scooby but Scooby ducked just in time. The monster went to try again but Scooby held up a hand and started to file the monsters nails. The monster smiled until Scooby clipped them off by bitting them. Then Scooby ran off with the monster in pursuit.
          "Where's Scooby?" Daphne asked as the rest of the gang stopped in a hallway. They were then swept off their feet, literally, by a suitcase mover and they looked behind to see Scooby was the one pushing it. "Scooby" the rest of the gang said in excitement and Scooby turned to face the creatures who was chasing him and stuck his tongue out at them in a more playful matter. The gang then started to see the window and yelled "Scooby!". He turned and they crashed right into the window landing on a soft fabric before rolling and landing on the ground. Fred looked up to see the creatures going to jump and he quickly got the gang up before the creatures could follow.
Hey you guys. I feel on fire right now. I put in a lot of those words within two hours of writing the Authors note. Anyways I hope you liked the little switch I did with Fred getting kidnapped thing. Also Fred kissed Sammi. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😆. Ok so this one is one of my favorite chapters so far. I really hope you guys liked it. Anyways see you guys in my next update.!!!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😍

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