Calum grins. "Yeah, I got married uh about nine months ago..?" He looks at the other boys. "Nine months ago?"

The boys laugh. "Cal, you got married a few weeks before our tour that lasted six months. It's only been a little over a month since then."

Calum's face turns red. "Aw Kota's gonna kill me." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You married Luke's sister?"

Calum nods.

"Let's bring her out here shall we?"

I leave Aroha with Alexis, pulling up my tank top, and go sit beside Calum.

"Adorable. How are you two?"


I smile and kiss her forehead. "We're doing good. Have an announcement actually."

The interview leans in. "What is it?"

"Honey?" I look at her. She gets up and goes off camera. I see her grab Aroha. She walks back and sits next to me.

"And who is this?" He talks in a baby voice.

"This is our daughter. Aroha. She is a month old."

Dakota is glowing with Aroha in her arms. She is staring lovingly at her. I wrap my arm around Dakota's shoulders.

The interviewer smiles and he laughs. "Well she sure is beautiful. Like her mum."

Dakota beams. "Thank you."

"Hey, watch it. That's my beautiful wife and daughter." I chuckle.

The guys laugh. "Hey, it's my sister and neice." Luke grins.

"Calum, you look so in love with your girls."

I grin when he says your girls. "I am. They're my world."

Dakota smiles at me.

"Dalum forever!" Michael cheers.

We all laugh. Aroha coos.

"Looks like Aroha definitely approves. Ashton, how are you and your girl Alexis."

Ashton smiles. "My beautiful finacé and I are great. Wedding will be soon. Come here babe."

Alexis shyly walks in. We pull up another chair for her.

"What's your guys' ship name?"

They shrug. "Haven't decided between Ashtexa or Ashtona."

"One big question the fans submitted is, is your name Alexa or Alexis."

She laughs. "My name is Alexa but they started calling me Alexis for some unknown reason."

We laugh. "Oh well."

The interview ends after a few more questions and we head out. There's a swarm of fans outside.

"Boys, straight to the car, no autographs, no pictures, no anything."

We all frown. We hate not being able to talk to our fans. I look down at my sleeping daughter and pull Dakota closer to me. She looks nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"W-What if a fan hurts her?"

"That won't happen."

"Calum, one time, you got pulled away from me. Before you were pulled away, you had sunglasses on. After, you didn't. Your hair was messed up, your clothes ripped and you looked like you just survived The Hunger Games."

I chuckle. "No biggie. I'm a big, tough boy. I tie my own shoes and everything. Nice try wonder girl."

She giggles. "That is the last time we have a Disney movie marathon."

I smile. "Ready?"

"Ready." She pulls Aroha closer. She's all swaddled up like she was in the hospital.

We make our way through the crowd. I hear Dakota gasp and she's pulled away from me. Her and Aroha are lost.

I run to the car and get on the hood. "DAKOTA!"

Everyone goes silent and the fans part. I see Dakota clutching our crying daughter. She makes her way towards me as I hop off the car. I pull her into my arms. She's so stiff, won't even relax in my arms right now.

I pull her into the back of the car.

"Dakota? Baby?"

She has this wide-eyed stare on and she won't move hardly at all. Aroha is fussing and Dakota is just holding her like she'll dissapear.

"Luke, take Aroha."

Luke reaches back and pries Aroha from Dakota. Him and Michael coo at her.

Dakota's whole body slumps. "I almost lost her."


"A fan had her hands on my baby. I almost lost her."

I pull her into my lap and cradle her. She cries until she eventually falls asleep.

Ashton looks in the review mirror. "You okay?"

I nod. "Just shocked."

I carry Dakota to our room. Alexa puts Ahora in her crib.

I crawl next to Dakota and hold her til I fall asleep.

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