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We arrive at the park. It's getting dark and the sun is setting.

I get out of the car and follow the lights to the beautiful setup. "Calum, what the hell did you do?" I smile to myself.

Calum is standing under a gazebo of lights. I walk up the path and up to him. "Damn. Calum Hood in a tux. Never thought I'd see the day."

He smiles at me. "How can you walk in those shoes?"

I hike up my dress, revealing my sneakers.

He laughs.


She looks so beautiful.

She smiles at me and lets her dress fall back down, covering her hightops.

"Oh and happy eighteenth birthday baby."

Her eyes widen. "I forgot it was my birthday!" She giggles.

I laugh. "Wow, good job babe."

She makes a weird face.

"You're beautiful."

She looks confused. "Even when I do this?" She makes the face again.

"Especially. You're always beautiful to me Kota."

Her cheeks get pink and she bites her lip.

I smile. "Awwww."

"S-Shut uuuup."

I gently grab her wrist and pull her to me. I feel her tense. "Baaaaaaaabe. Relax a little."

She looks at me and nods. "This is beautiful Calum. But how? Why?"

I laugh. "Since you dropped out, I'm giving you a prom."

Her eyes widen. "Oh baaaaaaabe." She covers her mouth with her hands.

"Are you crying?"

"A little bit. This makes me so happy."

She's so cute.

I hold out my arm. She puts her hand in the crook of my arm.

Michael comes up with a tiara.

She laughs. "Am I prom queen?"

"No I am." Michael puts it on his head.

I roll my eyes and Dakota burst out laughing.

"You make a good queen Mikey." Dakota does a curtsy.

He smiles and does the weird wave like he's on a parade float. "Thank you. Thank you. But you shall be queen now m'lady."

Dakota bites her lip, holding back another laugh as he puts the crown on her head.

Ashton comes up with a crown.

"Aw Ashy, are you my king?"

He freezes then laughs. "Unfortunately, not this time babe."

Dakota looks disappointed.

I look at her. She must see my panic because she smiles and kisses my cheek. "Just joking honey."

I relax and Ashton puts the crown on my head.

I lead her to the gazeebo as the guys grab their instruments.

They start playing Try Hard.

She gasp and hits my chest. I laugh and pull her to me. We start dancing as I sing a little.

"You're so out of reach and I'm finding hard cuz you make me feel, make me feel-"

She grabs my face and kisses me. I kiss back.

She pulls away and looks at me lovingly. "You're perfect Calum."

I shake my head. "No where near."

She smiles and puts her head on my chest.



"Stay mine. I'm.... I'm in love with you."

She looks up at me, eyes wide. "W-What?"

I pull away and run my hands through my hair. "I-I'm in love with you."


(A/N: something Alex said to me. Sorry)

"I love they way you get embarrassed, your laugh, your giggle, when you laugh while trying to frown, when you told you head when looking at me, the softness of your lips, how your lips merge with mine, when you bite your lip, or tilt your head when you get turned on, your cute freckles, I love how you are humble, how you love me even though I'm completely messed up, when we start arguing when the only word we use is 'what'"

"Calum. What-"

"Dakota, please."


He looks at me with big, pleading eyes.

I nod and let him continue.

"I love you Dakota. I have for awhile now. I first started to when you left for Texas. I didn't know what it was. Then you came back and everything started making sense. When I lost you, I thoughtI was going to die. And the thought of you with someone else makes my insides hurt. I need you Dakota. I love you Dakota. More than anything in this world. The love I have for you is uncontrollably, disgustingly, crazily, inzane yet beautiful. I love you more than Prince Charming loves Cinderella. More than Alladan loves Jasmine. I need you more than I need air to breathe. Please Dakota, I love you. Stay with me."


He hands me a folded up peice of paper, kisses my forehead, then leaves.

Dear Dakota,

I realized that I have to do something more than just give you a prom. I need to.

Your next clue is at your favorite place in Australia.

Your boyfriend,
Calum (the puppy :) )

I smile. This boy is the best.

My favorite place? Besides wherever he is, is the ocean.

The ocean and the stars are my two favorite things. They're always constant. Even if my world is a mess, the ocean and stars are always there to calm me, even when Calum isn't.

I go back down the hill and the driver smiles. "Hello Kota. Ready for another ride?"

I smile and nod. "As ready as I'll ever be."

He opens the door for me and I get in. He closes the door then gets behind the wheel.

I'm so nervous. The prom was amazing and so thoughtful. I have no idea what could top it.

Unless... Nah we're too young for that.

We pull up to the beach and I get out. There's a bunch of seashells arranged. Upon closer examination, the shells say C+K inside a heart.

"Do you like it?

I turn and come face to face.... well more like face to chest.... with Calum.

"I do but babe, you didn't have-"

"There's more honey." He kneals down and I gasp.


"Marry me?"

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