Chapter 2

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Lauren's P.O.V

"I have to go Deenah." I said and parked in front of the house I'm delivering to.

"Bye Lance." Dinah hung up and I chuckled, climbing out of the car. I grabbed the pizza and walked to the door. I knocked and rocked back and forth on my feet, staring at the sky. I looked down as I heard the door open and my eyes widened.

"Lauren Jauregui, never thought you'd be delivering me pizza at," Mrs. Cabello looked at her phone. "6 p.m." She picked her wallet up and took the pizza.

I looked from her head to her feet. I love me a girl in sweatpants and a crop top. "That'll be," I looked at the receipt. "Expensive 99." I said and she laughed. "It's 10.36." I smiled and she pulled money out of her wallet.

"Can I talk to you?" Mrs. Cabello asked and and handed me the money.

"Um yeah, let me just tell my boss." I pulled my phone out and quickly texted my boss.

Me: John, I dropped pizza off at my teachers house and she's gonna help me with homework, is that okay?

Jimmy Johns: yep.

I smiled and looked up at Mrs. Cabello. "Yeah I can talk." She stepped aside and I walked inside, playing with my fingers.

"It's about your grades." She shut the door and led me to the kitchen.

"I know, they're dropping. I'm sorry but it's difficult with everything going on at home a-an-" Mrs. Cabello quickly cut me off.

"What's going on at home?" She asked and sat down at the island in the center of the kitchen.

I sat across from her and shook my head. "It doesn't matter."

"If it's lowering your grades, it does matter." She said and set the pizza down.

"No, you'll tell someone." I shook my head and looked at my hands.

"Lauren, what's going on?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Can you just help me study so I can go back to work?" I asked and tapped my fingers on the counter.

"You don't have to take the test. I can give you an extension until your figure everything out." Mrs. Cabello said and rubbed my arm.

"Thank you Mrs. Cabello." I nodded and she sighed.

"You're making me feel old, call me Camila when we're out of school." She raised her eyebrows and ran her fingers through her hair.

I nodded and stood. "I should get back to work." I rubbed my hands together. "I'll see you tomorrow at school."

Camila nodded. "See you tomorrow."
Camila's P.O.V

Lauren never showed to class and it worries me more then it should. "Dinah, may I speak to you after class?" I asked and looked up from my book.

"I didn't do anything this time!" She yelled and put her hands up.

"Dinah." I said in a warning tone and she groaned.

"Yes you can." She said and looked down at her paper. I looked up at the clock that read 11:56, 4 minutes till class ends. I looked down at my book and continued to read. I read for the last few minutes of class until the bell rung. I set my book down and sighed heavily. Dinah walked over to my desk after everyone left.

"How's Lauren? I noticed there wasn't thuds or screaming in the back of the classroom." I joked and she laughed.

"She called and told me she was working extra to pay off her car." She said and I nodded.

 Teachers Pet [A Camren story]Where stories live. Discover now