"Yeah, let me just make the sage disappear first" I said going to make it disappear and I do it "Now we can go"

I'm sitting at a coffee cafe until Freya comes and sits across from me

"Hey Freya thanks for coming" I said

"Hey sure what's up" she said as I pass her coffee "Thank you"she said

"I have news and I haven't told anyone yet" I said

"What's the news?" I asked

"Well in about nine months or less you will be expecting a niece or nephew from me and Caroline" I said

Her eyes widen and she smiles "Are you serious? another niece or maybe even have a nephew" she said happily as she gets up to hug me "Oh I'm so happy, congratulations" she said before she pulls away to sit back down in her sit

"Thank you" I said

"I can't believe Klaus is having another child and Kol. I never would thought him becoming a dad" she said laughing

"Yeah" I said

"I'm so happy two more. I wonder if Bella is thinking of having children?" she said before taking a sip of her coffee

"Yeah I don't know yet. You and Caroline are the only ones I told but please don't tell anyone especially Kol which is why I want your help with telling him can you" I said

"Yeah sure of course" she said

"Thank you, Freya so much" I said

"No problem" she smiled

I smiled back at her

"So when do you plan on telling him. Because with vampire pregnancy it will about five months or nine you know that right" she said

"Yeah I know, but first I want to tell my siblings the news before telling Kol. Which is why I want you to get him in the mode, whatever by talking to him about our future, having kids, marriage get him into that subject" I said

She smiles at me "Oh I'm definitely going to enjoy talking about this. You can count on me" she said

"Thank you so much" I said

"No problem, Lena" she said

I get home when I see Caroline sitting on the couch looking nervous and scared.

"Caroline what's wrong?" I asked concerned

"I'm so nervous about telling Klaus that I can't tell him yet. Not until I'm ready" she said

"Caroline. vampire pregnancies are only five months by the second month you will be kind of big so you need to tell him soon" I said

"But I'm scared, what if he doesn't want any children?" she said

"Why don't you have Freya talk to him. I already have her talking to Kol having him talk about marriage, our future, having children. Why don't I tell her to do the same to Klaus" I said

"Oh would you, please" she said

"yeah sure" I said pulling my phone out to call her

"Hey Freya what's up" I said

"Nothing just arrived home ready to talk to Kol" she said

"Hey can you also talk to Klaus too for Caroline?" I said

"Of course I can. My day just keeps getting better, tell Caroline thanks for giving me this" she said happy

"Okay, thank you she said" I said

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