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Elena POV
I'm walking around the house on my phone when I find Jax sitting on the stairs with his headphones in with his music blasting out loud. I sigh

"Hey deaf boy!" I yelled and he doesn't hear me

I slap the back of his head making him look at me taking his headphones off "Ow! What the hell?" he said upset

I stand in front of him "Nobody needs to hear your music" I said annoyed

"What am I supposed to do?" he asked holding his headphones

"Did you do your homework?" I asked

He scoffs "Homework is for losers" he said and laughs 

"Yeah, exactly did you do it loser" I said

He stops laughing, giving me a serious look. "No,  I haven't" he said

"Do it now before you forget because knowing you, we both know you will" I said

"What are you talking about? I always do my homework" he said

"Yeah sure you do. Now go" I said

"You probably compel someone to do it for you" I said

He sighs "Give me five minutes" he said

I sigh "Fine, five minutes but if I don't see your butt in a chair in five minutes I'll cloak all of your stuff and hide them. You won't find them anywhere" I said

He laughs "I like to see you try" he said

"Whatever" I said and walk away

Jackson POV
After Elena leaves, I put my headphones back on continuing to listen to my music,while also reading the conversation I had with my mom by text that was three days before she died. My dad sacrificed himself to kill my grandma and my mom killed herself so no harm can come near my aunt Elena. We felt a little weak after the spell but we did it to protect our loved ones, not knowing my dad and mom were dead. I never meet my grandma but I'm glad I didn't because she was a real bitch from what my uncle Damon told me and I hate her so much because of her I lost my parents. I start to have a flashback of a memory of me and my dad

Few years ago
I'm six years old my dad and I are playing with my toys in my room

"Daddy, you be captain Red and I'll be Woody" I said giving him my toy

"Okay buddy" he said and smiled at me

"Daddy?" I said

"Yeah" he said

"When can I be like you?" I asked

He looks confused "What do you mean?" he asked confused

"You have sharp teeth, black eyes. When can I be like that?" I said

He sighs "When your older you will have a choice to be like me or not" he said

"I want to be like you" I said

"Let's play, come on buddy" he said and we play

Few years ago
I'm six years ago, my mom and I are painting pictures and my hands are covered in red paint

"Oh no. I covered in paint" I said sadly

My mom laughs at me "Aww it's okay sweetie. So am I" she said and shows me her hands covered in blue paint

Young ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ