Chapter 2

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You walked out of class..Last year, people bullied you..A lot. But you recovered from that. You heard Jimin laughing and he stuck out his foot and made you trip, him and his little gang laughed at you, making you remember about last year.

*Flash Back *
Main Bully: You don't deserve to live!You don't belong here.You're so dumb for messing with us..
Bully no. 2: Exactly!You're so ugly..just kill yourself already, it would really save some air that we need.
There were 5 of them...they were pulling your hair, causing you to fall and they kept kicking you and kicking you and you tried to stand up for yourself but it got to the point where you just gave up.

* Flash Back Ends *

* At Lunch *

You see Emma, Rose, and Hannah together. You went to them and sat down.
Y/N: Heyyy.
Emma, Rose, & Hannah: Hiii.
Y/N:I've missed all of you guys!
*All of them* Sameee
You all eat until...
???: Hey! I see my boyfriend, JIMIN, was flirting with you...youre going to pay for that!You turned around as she poured milk over your head and you stood up and slapped her so hard she almost fell..Everyone caught it on camera.This is one of the things the bullies did..It was like everyday they would bully you..for no reason.You couldn't deal with it anymore, though..normally you would just stand there, being really scared of them.*BUT NO,NOT TODAY NONONO NOT TODAY* You went and changed into your gym clothes, you has gym next anyways.You walked to gym as everyone laughed at you..You ignored it for now, you just thought of the fact your 3 bffs didn't even bother to stand up for you. Maybe they were too scared..I could understand. I forgave them because they came up to me seconds later.
Emma, Rose, and Hannah: OMGOMGOGO Y/N WE'RE REALLY SORRY!That was just the meanest girl in school, Lena! We were so scared..
Y/N : Oh, I guess Jimin AND Lena fit together..they're both really mean, AND ugly. * you mumbled*
Emma,Rose, and Hannah: Please don't be mad at us!
Y/N: I'm not..
Emma, Rose, and Hannah: W- Will you forgive us?
Y/N: Of course..

Gym went by pretty fast..You went home and changed into your comfy clothes and went on your computer.

Can anything be more worse than..



At your SCHOOL!?

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