Oh, Catastrophe

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I woke to Dave's face being uncomfortably in front of my own, his eyes sparkled fiendishly as if he was planning to prank me. It was obscure viewing him in this manor, i frequently watched interviews including him and he seemed so gentlemanly, peaceful and just overall a good guy. Now I'm seeing him in a different light, survival has altered his motives and personality. He's substituting the pain of loosing loved ones for babying me like i was his child. Conclusively i frowned quite angrily, i could take care of myself.

"Get off of me" i sneered pushing and shooing him away grumpily. Sprouting affection for one another is just a nuisance id rather not have to deal with at the present moment. I understood he had a close relationship with Brandon him being his band-mate and all but not me. I stand alone.

"Sure" he retracted reluctantly, his face sulking as he hoped to find some splash of childly love. I hadn't wished for him to bond with me in a fatherly way but i assume this is what happens when you stumble across a 17 year old- though he would have had to have me at 5 years old... perhaps brotherly rather.

"i, eh... just needed you awake to help build up this dump, a-and i knew that'd piss you off" he hesitantly added, a grin creeping on his face obvious extremely pleased with his speedily thought excuse.

"whatever" i groaned levitating myself and reapply my dusty, weathered attire that was strewn across the floor circumference to my bed. It was then i remembered last night with Dave's band-mate Brandon and Brandon's girlfriend Tatum.

"Hey! em- Quinn! I need to talk to you mate" Brandon was swift to call him over after id been mercilessly brought to consciencness. I patted the majority of the fragments of dust off my clothes and prepared it how i liked it ensuring i had all my weaponry and black bag slung over my shoulder. I then headed over to the supplies which was stored in a laid down wardrobe and with a dirt speckled bowl ate some cereal on our makeshift beds which i might add are incredibly pleasing considering we're one mistake away from being eaten alive.

I hadn't the ability to overhear what they were bickering about, but then again i already knew. Dave was across the room, puddles of light from gaps in the cars illuminating the dingy lair, it was quite awe-striking, as though we were in a hidden forest of mechanics. But it could not last, the holes only serve as a reminder that this place is insecure. I could see dust particles gliding through the air like miniature clouds, beams of light slicing the air sourcing from rear view mirrors and the gleam of windows. It looked majestic but i could sense the rest of the gang was used to this and didn't see it that way. Yet i just sat there comfortably devouring some good tasting coco pops. They were immensely appetizing compared to the energy bars i have stored in my bag. Before the Apocalypse i was quite lazy, so using Dave's identity issues as an excuse to procrastinate sounded good enough to me.

I then gazed over to the group discussing their errors, I saw Brandon, Tatum and Dave in a whole different light- literally and metaphorically. I'd only seen them all in the light of the fire and moonlight, seeing how they appeared in this musky light was actually quite exciting. Then again I may be starting to sound sad.

Additionally I saw how survival has been increasing gnawing at their humour and contentedness. Obviously i've experienced all those emotions before, the only one that unsettles me is hope. As hope only leaves a big void for disappointment.

Dave flashed his eyes my way comically in shock. Brandon had obvious just barfed up the news. Dave scowled at him furiously, his arms flapping up like a deranged prehistoric creature. Though i assume the disguises were for their protection and my own, when we fortified this baby they wont need it. I'm damn good at what i do.

I was tempted to convey affection towards this quirky group then, had i been too ruthless too them? I wasn't aware humans needed such loving for the upkeep of morale, or perhaps just something to fight for. I'd never been trusting of others, for prior reasons to this which are too bound with misery to think about, let alone explain.

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