Wake Me Up

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  I wearily woke up, unsure of my surroundings and disorientated from prior events.  I squinted my eyes unable to identify anything aside from shadows and rugged shapes.  Then the memories came flooding back, the burning buildings, the rain of bullets, the blankets of dead bodies and my collapsed world.  Then Sarcova, Symphonixs and the mysterious man that rescued me.  I gasped and erected myself into a sitting position, my instincts to survive kicking in, trying to scan the area as swiftly as possible.

  "Calm! Shh, you're okay, you're okay..."

  The familiar voice came towards me, his arms once more around me, comforting me.  He sounded concerned and grateful, as if he'd be awaiting me to wake.  Around me were stacks of cars... were we in a junk yard?  No, there's a roof above me.  However it did seem to conceal us, which is crucial regarding the severity of our situation, though i felt claustrophobic. 

  "Where..."  i broke apart from him, attempting to locate myself by recording and viewing the scenery that surrounded us.  "Where are we?"

The deep voice appeared enthusiastic to tell me, i was egar to see what he looked like, but surviving was more important.  "Home.  The car park of a major shopping centre, we've stacked the cars to protect us, the concrete frame goes up another 5 floors though we've blocked the ramps to them.  We're currently on the first floor purely due to mobility and the supermarket is on this floor, through that wall."

  I spun around, my eyes wide.  I was impressed, when i was surviving i had been penetrating other survivor's supplies.  The consensus was that you could trust no one... then that uneasy feeling  began to swallow me once more as i began to question what i was doing and why i hadn't disappeared from their company yet.  I felt around my pockets... nothing.

  "Where's my weapons?!"  I pivoted around enraged, but when i saw who i was confronting, i froze... a sense of disbelief drowned me... i knew who he was.

  "Do not fear, we just didn't want you slaying us in our sleep"  He chuckled, although i noted he said 'we' there are others.  He was holding out my backpack, the eye i had sown onto it staring back at me protectively.  I snatched the bag from him and took out my hunting knife and handgun before replacing them onto my batman style supply belt and bag on my shoulders.

  "What's your name, where are you from?" of course i already knew all of these things, yet i needed to know if he was trustworthy.  Though he had surprised me so far, confiscating my weapons and building this fort... it was ingenius.

  "Quinn and I've lived here all my life" He was lying...  His actual name was Dave Escamilla, i know this because i was a fan of his band before the Apocalypse.  When i say i fan, i mean minorly obsessed.  Though this was no time to fan girl; my tastes haven't changed much but my priorities have.

  "Do you know of any more survivors?"  of course i already knew there were, judging by how they'd been living here there are 2-3 others depending if they'd constructed this bed purely for me.  Another clue was his sentence earlier 'we'.  I've never trusted people, the bigger the group the more I don't wish to be apart of it.

  "Indeed, there are two others" he nodded his head over to a gentleman carving something out of wood using a knife similar but blunter than my own.

  "Sup"  he did a single wave before standing up from his slouch and plodding over "t'names...." he glared over at Dave before continuing. "Steve, my name is Steve."

  I eyed them up cautiously, i could call out their lie but i decided it's best to not to cause discomfort.  It was surreal seeing them in person.  Dave's black hair slightly messy yet primarily upright, I noted he was still wearing his big, black, ear plugs... i guess plugs are better than tunnels but neither are particularly desirable in this situation.  He smiled with his big pearly whites to try reassure me but it was his warm brown eyes gazing upon me that told the real story.  I could sense that he wanted to trust me and accept me into the group with open arms, but a part of him was holding him back, perhaps a memory of someone else or uncertainly if i was going to try kill him. 

Wasted on top of a brocken world (Dave Escamilla Crown The Empire)Where stories live. Discover now