Two's Too Many

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  Sometimes i like to think of myself as a serpent.  I take pleasure in remaining hidden, i can observe my prey and though they have the potential to identify me, they are oblivious.  Then when I'm close enough... when they are just beginning to get curious... i swallow them whole.

  I awoke to the sound of harsh whispers, instantly i searched for the source, being careful to look like i was still slumbering.  Then i spotted it, two distinct figures in the back ground, it appeared they were quarrelling though i was dubious about what.  I scampered out my bed, identifying that Dave was still unaware and sleeping.  I removed all the clothes that could invite noise until i was only in my tank top and ripped jeans, a gun in my hand and a knife in my mouth.

  Like an army recruit i crawled towards the two.  I had darkness on my side as the fire was dwindling.  I began to taste my sweet blood as the sharpness of my blade dug into sides of my rough lips.  The broken glass scattered along the floor bit me but i was not phased.  I smelt the burning of the fire and it seemed to fuel me further as if giving me a purpose to protect it.  I heard their chattering creeping closer, a strange familiarness to one and an utterly forgien persona.  It was then i decided that i would not kill them instantly.

   The two tormentors were at the far end of our fort which was shrouded in the cimmerian and perfect to conduct a plan to raid our supplies.  I managed to sneak behind the skinny but bigger built figure and stand using his body to hide from the other.  Since i had been surviving for a while now i tended to be skinnier than most but not quite anorexic therefore making it simpler to strike from behind. 

I moved my blade from my stinging lips to my right hand, my finger on the trigger of my salvaged hand gun. Then like a lioness i pounced.  I was swift to bring the knife to the neck of the one i was behind and the gun to the head of the farther away one.

  "Move and you die"  i robotically commanded.  I do not desire to frolic about with strangers as strangers are cynical and dangerous.

  The woman i had the gun pointed at jumped a little with fright and slipped a mini scream.  I felt the man i was holding captive stir as if he wanted to do something but felt unable.  I could feel the fear oozing from their bodies like kids who had just been caught drunk by the police.  My knife sluggishly nibbling at his neck while the woman shook in terror.

  I gazed upon her ignorant face, ascetically she seemed pretty though i sense arrogance.  She seems to think that the fact that she is pretty excuses her from horrors such as pain, death and hunger.  I was enjoying making her feel inferior as the terror in her glistening eyes made her body shrill like she was trying to hide but there was no where to conceal her.  She whimpered slightly and i knew she would not be as big a threat as the other i had a firm grasp of.

  "who are you?" my voice became husky and serious, almost unrecognizable from the other ironic tone i usually pull off.

  "oh god your from Symphonix aren't you?" his voice was shakey as though he was crying but i remain sincere, i've seen brilliant actors before although they did not live to tell the tale of their deceit "don't harm her... it's me and Dave you want, i'm Brandon... Brandon Hoover."

  "Brandon?!" shocked i grappled him into a headlock and like a rag doll dragged him to the little light left in the fire.  I heard a sigh of relief from the woman, but if they are who they claim to be she shouldn't cause much harm.

  The fire cast a warm glow onto the man's face, his distinct bone structure being clearly depicted.  Though it was true, it was Brandon.  Yet in turn the fire illuminated my face also, his eyes widened when he was the face of his attacker.  I threw him onto the dusty tarmac in rage, growling as i do so.

  "H-hey Reckon?  T-hat was k-kinda b-b-bad ass man" he blurted trembling with surprise and the fear that was still festering inside him at my unpredictability.  "I-I think we n-eed to t-talk"

  He began thumbling around with his fingers and fidgeting as if he wasn't in control of his own bodily functions.  I scowled at him fiercely, stomping over to the quivering woman.  I reclaimed my knife and gun which i dropped recklessly when struggling with Brandon.  From then i scowled at him again, then haulting myself to stare at him sardonically to induce an overwhelming sense of fear that could only be inflicted at this present moment.

  "No" i barked, "i will sleep..." i stated rather calmly but i knew i couldn't let him off that easily "and you" i pointed the tip of my hunting knife right at him and let it lead me to his chest, though i did not puncture it i could feel it breaking the skin.  My murderous eyes gazed into his as i instinctively broke his comfort zone to inflict fear "will explain to me tomorrow" i took a second to breath in, my anger consuming me "WHAT THE FUCK, is going on" i grinned and stepped away from him spinning around like a ballerina and skipping off to my bed.

  I still felt the suspense in the air until i was secure in bed once more.  I knew Brandon wouldn't tell Dave i held a knife to his throat, he's too cowardly for that.  But to save Dave the embarrassment he will tell him he fucked up.  Though now I'm only just remembering... i believe I've made a daunting first impression on Tatum? was it.  I'm uncertain but at least she'll know not to betray me, i can be quite unforgiving... 

  Yet tomorrow's a new day and I'm intrigued to discover what lies ahead on the honesty front.  Whether they barf the truth or still conceal it.  I of course will be able to tell regardless and if they do hide something i do plan to pursue it this time.  If I'm going to throw my fragile life into jeopardy for the sake of them, they are going to have to provide me with the means to do so.  Although i have no attachment to these people, it may be best i leave them to their own devices after all...

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