Chapter One: Danger in the Dungeon

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“Ice, hurry!” Alice called out to me.

When I turned away from the magic shop window, I noticed that they were already ahead of me.

“Wait up!” I called right back as I rushed back to the group.

“You don’t really come to the French Quarter huh?” asked Sasha. I just shook my head in response and went on walking.

I don’t really go anywhere. It’s always school, home, mall, country club, coffee shop. The French Quarter is a whole new world to me: full of tourists, magic shops and bars. Mother forbids me from coming here.

Well that is until I broke her rules. Just this one time.

Okay, so this isn’t really the first time I broke her rules. But this would have to be the biggest rule I’ve broken. Ever.

And it’s even past my curfew. I’m totally feeling bad-ass right now.

After a few minutes of walking around the French Quarter, we made a sharp left and everything around me transformed into something more alive than anywhere I’ve ever been.

“Ladies, welcome to Bourbon Street.” Jenny said with a satisfied smile.

No wonder they called it Bourbon Street, the whole strip was full of bars and loud party music. I have a feeling this one is going to be the most unforgettable night yet.

I turned to Alice and Sasha, who looked around with their jaws dropped. I put both my arms around their shoulders and gave them my huge mischievous grin, “Stop gawking and start partying!”

All three girls giggled and we strutted through Bourbon Street.

We walked bar after bar until we saw The Dungeon.

It didn’t look a lot like a dungeon at all. The outside was a beautiful double door. Instead of looking sinister, it actually looked like an entrance to a beautiful castle.

“We’ve been very, very bad princesses tonight. We deserve some time in The Dungeon.” I winked. Jenny bowed, playing along with the act. “Indeed your highness! Shall we?”

“We shall!” Alice, Sasha and I said in unison.

We walked up the steps of The Dungeon. But as I was about to open the door, we were stopped by the big bald bouncer. Talk about triple B.

“IDs.” He said in a very bored tone. I guess he does this to every single person who goes inside.

I opened my clutch and took out the fake ID Alice got us. It said I was 22 and a university student. We handed it to the triple B. He took it, looked at it and looked at us. I don’t really know how this thing goes, so I wouldn’t know what would happen if ever he realizes those IDs are fake.

Thank goodness he gave back our IDs and opened the double doors.

It was my turn to gawk.

Club music was blaring. The whole club only had just enough lights for you not to bump a table with laser lights of different colors occasionally hitting the room. There were two bars, one on the left and the other on the right. Tables were placed by the two bars. The empty space in the middle seemed to be the whole dance floor. On the far end, opposite of the door was the DJ, at the center of it all. And everything else? Well it’s a whole lot of bodies, bumping and bouncing. This is indeed a whole new universe.

Sasha pointed on the bar at the right. “Drinks!” She screamed loud enough for us to hear. She started walking and grabbed Alice, who grabbed Jenny, who grabbed me. We made a human train just so no one would get lost in this ocean of bodies. We squeezed through and around.

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