Chapter Thirty-four

Start from the beginning

"I don't like the sleeping together business," Abe growled suddenly.

"Yes, you made that very clear last weekend," Dimitri replied his eyes not leaving Abe's. "But with all due respect, you're not the one who gets to make that decision."

"Yes, well that became clear last weekend too," Abe said ruefully. "You treat her honorably, or you and I will be having another chat." Abe's tone implied that conversation might involve some of his numerous power tools.

"I would expect no less, Mr. Mazur."

The older man sighed then nodded. "It's about time you call me Abe."

"They've been gone ages

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"They've been gone ages... You don't think Tata's bitching him out do you?" Rose asked her mother anxiously.

"No. I think your father wanted to say his piece but then make peace. You being away for a week scared him. He doesn't want to lose you."

Not long after, Abe and Dimitri arrived back at Janine's room, unexpectedly talking about basketball. Dimitri had made the mistake of mentioning he got four complimentary tickets to any game he played.

"Once college starts, perhaps you and Janine would like to come for a weekend and catch a home game, Abe? I've never seen a live college game, but I've heard they're pretty entertaining?"

"We'd love to come up, wouldn't we Janine!" Abe replied with an enthusiastic smile, distractedly passing Rose her soda. "I enjoy watching college basketball on TV, but I've not seen a live game either!"

"Wee one, I think a monster has been born," Janine murmured to Rose, nonetheless looking pleased. "So Dimitri, Rozalia said you'd requested a study tour to Russia as part of your scholarship? When were you hoping to go?" she asked more loudly.

"Probably not until third or fourth year. With so many years of study ahead of me and all the college expenses, I know it will be my only chance to go back to Russia for quite some time."

"You miss home?" It was Rose, and she was looking at her man tentatively.

"America is home, now, but Russia will always be special to me."

"I understand," Abe interjected candidly. "I've lived in America half my life, but sometimes I still miss Poland."

Dimitri smiled a little sadly. "I can't wait to take you there, milaya. It is very different to here, and parts of it are very old and beautiful. It's like a fairy tale. You'll feel like a princess!"

"I feel like a princess every day with you already," Rose murmured gazing at Dimitri adoringly. Abe gave them a look halfway between a smile and a grimace as the young lovers shared a brief kiss. Janine, on the other hand, seemed jubilant.

"I'm tired now. Why don't you lot go home? I'm sure Rozalia and Dimitri have homework they need to do, and you could order takeout for dinner for the three of you, Abe," she craftily suggested. "Don't come back up tonight. I fancy a nice long rest."

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