Chapter Eighteen

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"Don't let your father see this," Janine counseled passing a book to Rose. It was after dinner on Saturday night, and Rose was in her bedroom ostensibly studying, but in reality hiding from her father and freaking out. Rose looked at the cover, 'Everywoman – a Gynaecological Guide for Life.'

"It has from getting your period through to menopause and everything in between. I bought it before I was married, but it's very comprehensive," Janine said giving Rose a quick hug. "I know it's all a lot to take in, so maybe just read the first couple of chapters in the pregnancy section, and then we can talk through it, and you can ask me any questions you might have?"

"There's a lot to learn, isn't there?"

"There is wee one, but you'll be fine. I'm here for you darling."

"Thanks, Mom," Rose said, giving her another hug before her mother slipped back downstairs to watch TV with Abe. Tucking the book under her pillow, Rose picked up her phone and texted Lissa. She was amazed Lissa had managed to get through the entire afternoon without messaging her about how it had gone telling her mother.

Told Mom. She was upset but supportive. Told D. He freaked but said we'd get through it together. Went to the Dr. for bloods but she said it was just to confirm. Going to do some homework and try to forget about it for a while – will call you tomorrow. R

Then pulling out the book, Rose started to read the section about early pregnancy.

Then pulling out the book, Rose started to read the section about early pregnancy

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"So what happened?" Lissa quizzed the next day. It was Sunday, and Rose was back from Church and upstairs lying on her bed after lunch.

"Mom was shocked but very practical. She said she'll tell Tata but not for a week or two yet. After I told her we went to Dimitri's place to tell him."

"How was he?"

"Surprised. Scared. We told his Mama and grandmother, too. He said he'd quit school and get a job, but Mom told him no one would be giving up school. He offered to go to the doctor with me, but there was no point since all she did is take my blood and give me some vitamins. She did talk about my options..."

"As in an abortion?"


"And what do you think? Is that something you're considering?"

"I don't know, Liss," Rose moaned. "I can't imagine doing that, but then I can't imagine being a mother, either."

"What did Dimitri say about it?"

"Nothing, yet. I haven't spoken to him since yesterday when Mom and I told him."

"He didn't ring after your doctor's appointment?" Lissa asked sounding surprised.


"He's probably just processing," Lissa said reassuringly. Yet something in her voice made Rose feel doubtful.

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