Chapter Eight

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"It sounds like he was trying so hard!" Lissa said encouragingly, chatting with Rose on Sunday afternoon about the previous day's lunch and workshop session.

"He was," Rose said, mentally castigating herself as she heard the love-struck way she was speaking.

"And you told him he maybe had a chance?" Lissa confirmed.

"I did," Rose moaned. "I wanted to be able to say no, but I still love him, Lissa."

It was the first time she'd admitted it out loud, even if she had known it in her heart of hearts all along. In her bedroom some miles away, Lissa was grinning like a loon. She knew Rose was still in love with Dimitri – but getting her to admit it was a huge step.

"But he said he wouldn't pressure you?"

"Yeah. Although he did give me a kiss when he left."

"He kissed you?" Lissa squealed so loudly Rose had to move the phone away from her ear.

"On the cheek," Rose clarified, both of them hearing the dissatisfaction in her voice.

"Well, I've organized your date for this coming Friday. His name is Jesse Zeklos, and he's a college friend of Andre's. He's coming to stay the weekend at our place with Andre, but he's free to double with us Friday night. I thought we'd go to DeFazio's?"

Known for cheap and cheerful pizza and pasta, DeFazio's was not too far from Christian's place, and not regularly frequented by anyone from St. Vlad's.

"You've told Christian not to tell Dimitri?" Rose checked.

"Yes. He's promised not to say a word. But maybe you should tell Dimitri you're dating? It's only fair... You can't let him think he has a shot so he doesn't go out with anyone, while you're out dating..."

"You're right. I should cancel Friday," Rose said, overcome with remorse.

Lissa quickly backpedaled. It had taken her ages to get Andre to agree to invite the flakey Zeklos home for the weekend. Andre considered him boorish, self-absorbed and an unapologetic fuck boy. Rose was going to hate him, which would make Dimitri look that much better.

"I think a double date is ok," Lissa assured her quickly. "Everyone knows they're not proper dates..."

"Are you sure? I don't want to do the wrong thing by Dimitri..."

"I think it will be fine. There's the Valley game Saturday night, and you can see him them. But maybe you should give Dimitri the chance to take you on a date? If you're genuine about giving him a chance, it's only fair? And it might help you make up your mind?"

"I can't do that to him," Rose said. "You know he has no money. If I suggest a date, he'll feel he has to go all out, and that's not right."

"Not necessarily," Lissa said, already plotting. "Anyway, we can talk about that tomorrow!"

Signing off, Lissa flopped down on the bed next to Christian. He'd come over to 'study,' but so far studying had consisted of making out, and listening to Lissa's half of the conversation as she got the low down from Rose about the meeting with Dimitri the day before.

"Are you sure dating this Zeklos guy is a good idea? What if she falls for him?" Christian asked, playing devil's advocate.

"She won't," Lissa scoffed. "The whole point was to choose such an ass that she'd never go for him."

"I still say it's risky."

"It will be fine. Just make sure Dimitri doesn't find out," Lissa soothed, pushing Christian back onto the bed and smiling as he pulled her down on top of him.

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