Chapter Four

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"So do you think Rozalia is going to forgive you?" Eddie asked Dimitri in the showers after their basketball practice Wednesday morning.

"She won't forgive you if she hears you calling her that," Mason laughed. Rose had been in early elementary school when she decided that she hated being called Rozalia, and would instead go by Rose. Now the only people to use her full Polish first name were her parents and Mr. Alto, who insisted on shaming everyone in his class by using their full given names – much to the embarrassment of Uriel, Clement, and Rozalia. To everyone else, she was Rose, except Dimitri who over time had come to call her Roza.

"I don't think so," Dimitri said dismally. "She won't take my calls, and she won't speak with me."

Dimitri looked around, making sure they weren't going to be overheard.

"I can't remember anything about the end of that night. You guys were there. What do you remember?"

Eddie was going to make a joke, but the imploring look on the tall Russian's face dissuaded him.

"Lissa and Christian went upstairs, and we all kept drinking. Tasha was trying to climb on your lap and shit like that, but you were pushing her off and telling her you weren't interested. She kept getting you to drink more, and eventually she said you were too drunk and needed to lie down and sleep it off. I helped her take you to one of the spare rooms, and then Mia and I went outside to make out..."

"I wasn't doing anything with Tasha then?" Dimitri asked hopefully.

"Nah. Right before you went to lie down you were talking about Rose and how much you missed her," Mason said.

"But Tasha didn't come back out from the room where I was?" he asked.

"Sorry man, she didn't. I fell asleep on the sofa, but she didn't come back after Eddie took you to a room," Mason said apologetically.

"The next morning she was saying I completed her collection," Dimitri said bitterly, looking at the ground. "She said she's been with all the guys on the team?"

"Not been with!" Mason said quickly. "But done stuff... yeah, that sounds about right."

Dimitri raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.

"She let me touch her when I was a freshman," he said quickly, blushing a deep red.

"Touch her?" Dimitri queried, gesturing towards his chest.

"Touch her," Mason hissed, pointing downwards. "It was for truth and dare!"

"Eww! I'm never shaking your hand again!" Eddie said.

"Well, what did you do with her?" Mason snapped.

"It's not what I did with her, it's what she did to me," Eddie said smugly.

Dimitri was disgusted.

"Listen, I know it's fucked up everything with you and Rose, and I'm sorry about that, but don't worry about the Tasha thing. Every guy here has had something with her. She's a ho - she can count the number of places she hasn't done it on the one hand!" Eddie continued, trying to console Dimitri. "Consider it a right of passage."

"That's feral, man," Mason said, noticing Dimitri looking more and more upset. "Come on – get dressed – we've got to get to homeroom."

The three of them quickly dressed and headed up to their classrooms; Dimitri heading into one, Mason and Eddie into the other senior homeroom. Rose was already sitting in her new seat beside Lissa. She looked up as Dimitri walked in, and he could see circles under her eyes. It looked like she hadn't slept well and that worried him.

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