He Came Over Again

Start from the beginning

" Am i have being meaning to ask you something ". I said looking everywhere else but at him.

" And what is that?". He asked looking at me as he bit his bottom lip which caused my eyes to stay there.

"Am......... ". I started as i shook my head to clear my mind from thinking like Adrian. "When i hug you, something, i don't know something weird happens every time ".

" Something with you, or me?". He asked looking mainly at my chest.

I fold my arms over my nipples and he looked up to meet my eyes.

" Am........ you ". I said

" I'm done, I'm done ". My mom says running down the stairs in her red heels. Which caused Derek to cut his gaze from me thank God because i was just getting scared when i hear the reason for his weirdness.

But, my mom actually looked hot. Ryan really had good taste, i had to commend him.

"Someone looks nice ". Derek says smiling at my mother.

"Thank you, your not so bad yourself". She says complimenting him.

"So you guys have fun, be back before dark and make sure you have bus fare in case anything happens, and don't leave your drink open and always................. ".

" Okay little missy, don't bother with your lecture". Mom says as i quote what she always tells me when i use to go out on dates.

"So your gonna be here alone? ". Derek asked.

" No, Ryan is coming over ". I told him.

" Who is Ryan?". He asked his expression changing.

"Her only gay boy friend ". Mom inform him.

" He is a really nice guy ". I said in protest.

" Whatever you say ". Mom says walking to the car.

" Well you be careful Princess and lock up when we leave ". Derek says leaning in to give me a hug. This time i didn't lean in as close to him.

" We need to continue our conversation ". I whisper in his ear and his grip on my waist tighten.

I moved away and he looked at me.

" See you soon ". He says and left.


" That look that he always give me, its like he wants to say so much but he just hides it in that look". I told Ryan about what happened when i hugged Derek. "And then there is this weird thing that happens each time i hug him its like this weird stick thing that touch my legs".

"You felt his dick, Celine ". Ryan says.

"  I what, no?".

"You did, that man is attracted to you, the look he gives to you is him a wanting you, the weird feeling when he hugs you is his erection ". Ryan informs me.

" What, but that is impossible, he is in love with my Mother ". I told him.

" Maybe he is just seeing your mother to get closer to you ".

" What, that's silly ". I said shaking my head.

" It sounds silly but if i was straight you would be my first target ". Ryan says.

"Shut up, he even gave me a gift". I told me to get back to the point .

"Did you open it?".

"Not yet".

"So open it fool ". He exaggerated as i jump off the bed and grab the bag from my dresser.

Before i could open it Ryan grabbed it from me.

He throw a box of chocolate to me and read a note that was in it.

" Omg he is totally into you ". Ryan says laughing.

" What does it say?". I asked him.

"It says that......... ". Before he could finish i grab the paper from his hand and read it.

Oh my gosh.

It reads, " A true man always know attraction when he sees it, and my attraction is..."

Three dots. Just three dots.

"What does this mean?". I asked Ryan.

"He is into you, three dots meaning Y. O. U dummy ". He says like the expert.

" What?".

"You better prepare your self for the things that are about to come your way". Ryan says looking at me from the side.

Hey guys how was this chapter. So now i feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Please tell me what you think in the comment section.

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